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vbGORE 0.0.1 Released

7/23/2006 8:46:35 AM | Posted by: Spodi | 2 comments
I have been working on my vbGORE engine for quite a while now, and have finally got to the point where I am comfortable releasing the first version. A list of all the features can be found here and all the screenshots here

vbGORE is an Online RPG engine designed for performance and optimization rather then ease-of-use like most all the ORPG engines out in Visual Basic. It includes many things you will not find in most all other VB ORPG engines such as byte array packet sending/handling with Winsock API, complete DirectX 8 interface, in-game mailing and much more. This project is far from finished, but is far enough to do most of the basic to intermediate Online RPG functions such as walk, talk, cast spells, fight NPCs, buy/equipt items, raise stats, etc.
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DXGame Engine News

6/19/2006 3:03:19 PM | Posted by: DXGame | 2 comments
The DXGame Engine (2D Game Engine For VB6) continues to mature in both power and ease of use, thanks mainly to the forum users who provide feedback and excellent suggestions.

The following games are 100% coded in VB6 using the DXGame Engine:

  • Gem Runner - Brykovian
An action/arcade game with a puzzle element. Turn on switches to stop mutant gems from taking over their high-tech vault. Freeware. This game won 1st place in a recent DXG coding contest.

  • Dragon Orbs - Alternate Reality Studios
An exciting fast paced action/puzzle game, where the object is to match 3 or more orbs of the same color. Shareware.

  • RetroBlast - JGOware
Retro shooting game, where Robotron meets Geometry Wars. Shareware.

  • Crystal Mountian Balls - Rock Bottom Development
Top down action shooter. Tons of stuff to shoot at and blow up! This game won 2nd place in a recent DXG coding contest. Freeware.

  • Roidulous - JGOware
Shoot asteroids. Shoot ships. Repeat as needed. Shareware.

  • Platform Shooter Demo
A good example of scrolling maps and animated sprites. Freeware.

  • FireWorks
All the sights and sounds of an outdoor Fireworks show! Freeware.
About The DXGame Engine:
The DXGame Engine is a 100% free to use 2D game engine toolkit for use with DirectX 8 and VB6. You can learn more about the DXGame Engine and it's features by visiting the website. There is an active forum available where hundreds of developers are experimenting with the DXGame Engine and it's features.
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Ninja*M Movie!

4/7/2006 7:29:43 AM | Posted by: skasoftware | 3 comments
Here's a short gameplay video for NinjaStarMageddon, or Ninja*M as we like to call it.

The basic game type is space freelancer, with an emphasis on fast-paced action. The universe is run by the Pterodactyl Bureaucrats, who perpetuate the rivalry between the Ninjas and Zombies so as to keep themselves in power. Meanwhile, Pirates rob and plunder, and Cyborgs terrorize.

This game was written in VB6 using DirectX 8.0 and the MD2 loading code from
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12/25/2005 1:33:31 PM | Posted by: xadais | 1 comment
Razormoon is going to be RPG engine/game.
It will feature graphics like final fantasy 1-6 and will have unique gameplay, the development is still in early stages, currently looking for more developers, so if you want to join the development of this project visit this web page and register on forum, in this point in time the game needs about anyone who want to help so don't hasitate!!!

Game is developed with Visual Basic 6.0 and DirectX 8.
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VB6 and .NET "Tutorials"

12/5/2005 4:44:25 PM | Posted by: skasoftware | 43 comments
@ !

Go to the dev section, there's 3 project/tutorials available. Zomberman is the most learning-oriented, but the others are open source at least.

This is not a marketing ploy; they're all school projects.

Much thanks to, directx4vb, and of course Ryan Clark for bits that I "borrowed" here and there ;)
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Natura (Beta)

10/20/2005 8:59:25 AM | Posted by: Shaedo | 46 comments
Natura was created as a university group project for a degree in Computer & Videogame Development. The game is a 2D arcadey/pinbally/puzzly type game and was coded 100% in VB6 using DirectX 8.

AIM: The aim of the game is to fill the rage bar(bottom-left of screen) by destroying the spore (fuzzy pink looking things) on the screen before the time runs out. Alternatively, a level can be completed by destroying ALL of th spore on screen, which will reward you with a "perfect" score. Element (powerup) points are available in the form of hoops in each level. By passing through the hoops you will gain a certian element (the powerup effect will run out overtime). Colliding with the spore once you have collected an element will not destroy the spore, but "stain" it in whatever element you currently have active. Spore can be stained by all 3 elements at the same time by hitting them with all 3 elements one after another (be careful though, if you hit a spore with the same element twice you will destroy it). By combining the elements in this way the rage bar will be filled faster than if you were to destroy the spore with no element. Also, when staining spore with an element, an area of effect occurs depending on the speed you are travelling at. Use Pods to manouver around the level faster. Once a level is either won or lost, press the escape key to quit.

When you complete a level, remember the time left and try to beat it. I just had a quick go and completed level 1 with 153 seconds remaining.

Confused yet?

There are bound to be a few things that I have missed out, but playing around a bit should reveal them. If you get really confused, post a comment and I'll try to explain a little better.

SPACEBAR: When inside a pod, hold down to charge and release to shoot. When outside of a pod, a temporary boost to the players speed.

ARROW KEYS: When inside a pod, the arrow keys are used to angle the pod. When outside of a pod, the arrow keys are used to give a small amount of control over the ball.

ESC: quit.

F1: display frame rate.

Anyways here is the fruit of our labour, Have fun!:

Any comments will be greatly appreciated. Please keep in mind that this is only an unfinished beta version and may still contain a few bugs.


p.s. The editor has been included. I will post a brief tutorial in the comments section when I have time.
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2D Tank game w/ source

9/23/2005 9:30:17 PM | Posted by: Anonymous | 1 comment
Download a mini game that lets you pilot a tank in 360 degress of motion. You must destroy incoming tanks and avoid their bullets. Uses DirectX 8.0 for alpha-blending, rotation, and other effects. Full source code included.

WASD - move tank
Arrows keys - move turret
Spacebar - fire

Download: (1.40 MB)
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Per-Pixel Lighting with Stencil Volume Shadows

8/13/2005 8:48:34 AM | Posted by: CadeF | 8 comments
This is a demo with source code (well commented) using AgrDX(DirectX 8.1) and VB. It demonstrates using per-pixel lighting and high-performance stencil volume shadows in 2d. And I have never seen anything like this, so I didnt think this was possible in VB... ;)

More demos and source code/tutorials can be found at my web site,
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AirStrike 1.1+ v1.11

8/12/2005 6:47:42 PM | Posted by: Athiril | 8 comments
AirStrike 1.1+ v1.11 released, first version since 1.0 to be relased, I know this has been a long time coming... I just stopped working on everything for a very damn long time... if anyone remembers at all.

Run Launcer.exe and configure the options to your liking, even adjust the speed of the game, import your playlist for your on music, click on okay to save playlist and options, click on Play to play game, if you're happy with the options and playlist as they are, you can run AirStrike.exe directly to go straight into the game.

Major updates, with more to come.

Download is under 300KB, instead of 12MB like last time, because there is no music included, however there is a Playlist Editor if you run Launcer.exe and go into options, it will allow you to import M3U (Winamp) and WPL (Windows Media Player 9 etc) playlist files.

Still to finish: web update module, online MySQL DB high scores submission module, proper dockbar, graphics overhaul (rendered sprites, rendered scrolling background), new monsters, new weapons, missiles, etc.

Written in pure Visual Basic 6, with DirectX7 (DirectDraw) and FMOD.

After the schedule is completed for all features, it will be ported over to C++ (though I wont be adbandoning the VB scene) and evolve a little further before starting the next three projects in planning.

Website (nothing there atm except logo... just got new hostng)

Download Link

I would like comments, and definately suggestions for improvement if anyone would care to post them.

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NemoX 3D engine website has moved

6/29/2005 3:06:24 AM | Posted by: NemoX 3D Engine | Post a comment
Hello VB gamer people

NemoX is A 3D engine written in Visual Basic .It provides fast methods to manage 3D geometry throught DirectX 8.1. The web site includes tutorials, demos, source code and SDK with more than 50 detailled samples.

It supports many kind of models like Quake 2 MD2, Quake 3 MD3, halflife MDL, .X, .ASE, .OBJ, Milskshape 3D, milkshape Ascii.

Check it out at
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June 2005 DirectX9 SDK Update

6/9/2005 4:00:40 PM | Posted by: Almar | Post a comment
An update for DirectX9 is now available at Microsoft's site:
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DXGame Engine Demos #1

5/23/2005 1:26:03 AM | Posted by: dxgame | 4 comments
Here's a demo showing a bit about the engine we are developing for Visual Basic 6.

There's actually 4 different small demos included and there's a menu system to select which demo to run.

This download requires the following:

Visual Basic 6 Runtimes Installed
DirectX8.1 or Higher
Most XP machines already have this installed.

Decent 3D Graphics Card

Thanks for checking it out!

(2mb download)
Download Link
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Fantasy Engine 3D

5/13/2005 11:19:10 PM | Posted by: Xadaiss | 10 comments
Hello here is a link to my site on where you can download the tech demos from my engine. The engine is developed in vb and directx 8. Please tell us what you think.
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DirectX4VB mirror

4/18/2005 6:27:44 PM | Posted by: Eric Coleman | 45 comments
With Jack Hoxley's permssion there is now a mirror of DirectX4VB hosted on the vbgamer server. Now you never have to worry about typing the wrong IP address to get to the website! That's an inside joke for those that remember the old vbexplorer redirection. :) Ah, the good old days...

And here is a picture of its lovely new home, safe and sound on a nice little Dell 1U server. (It's in the top left of the picture.) Now go learn something and program a game!
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New VB Site, Agr rendering engine tech demo

3/27/2005 12:44:31 AM | Posted by: CadeF | Post a comment
Agr, the Advanced Graphics engine, powering your rendering/game ideas with programming ease, now in DirectX. AgrDX and its source code will be released soon. The site will have AgrDX, games, techdemos, and tutorials upon request. You can email me at to request a tutorial. A feature list of what AgrDX can do is available on my site.
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Bubbles Demo

3/9/2005 11:40:21 PM | Posted by: dxgame | 8 comments
A small demo from the DXGame 2D+ Engine in development. It's a 350k download and requires VB6 runtimes and DirectX8 or higher. To download the file directly, click here, or click on the website link for more information.
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Twisted System

2/9/2005 9:37:44 AM | Posted by: terrorbite | 1 comment
If anyone has played Fuzion Frenzy on the Xbox, you'll know its a party game composed of lots of smaller games, similar in a way to Mario Party.

My favourite of which is called Twisted System. The game is being developed in Visual Basic 6, and uses DirectX 8.

Current features include:

Fullscreen anti aliasing
Specular highlighting
Bilinear texture filtering
Alpha blending
Directional lighting

I can get at least 75fps (max due to v sync) using 1280x1024 res, with 32 bit colour, and 6x AA, although it can get a bit choppy with lots of obstacles. I have an Athlon XP 2500 and a Radeon 9600 card.
I will be including lots of graphics options, so it should work fine on almost any PC.

As you can see from the screenshot, its currently lacking final textures, and the obstacles aren't yet finished, nor is the lighting. Collision detection still needs major work.

Although the tower itself is almost identical to that in the Xbox version, nothing has been lifted from that game at all. All textures, models and sound will be/are my own work when completed.
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Mission Demolition Released

12/28/2004 8:20:46 AM | Posted by: loonycoder | 3 comments
Mission Demolition is an arcade style shoot-em-up with plenty of aliens, explosions and weaponry powerups. Take your advanced prototype space combat craft and let those invaders know what you think of them! This is the first game I have released for the public to play.

It was programmed in VB6 for DirectX7, it took about 2 weeks for all the important work to be done, a while longer to touch up the graphics. The sound is functional (I shall say no more)

Screenshots and basic information can be found at my homepage here

Direct download link for the game here

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Yet Another Laser Game released

10/24/2004 4:20:36 PM | Posted by: Almar | 15 comments
Yet Another Laser Game, or in short YALG has been released. It's written in DirectX8 in combination with VB6.

The aim of the game is to guide your laserbeams through out a map. This maps contains walls, doors, explosives, and a lot more. It's a modern version of those nice laser games from some years back.

Have a look at the demoversion. And try to finish those maps, with skill levels ranging from easy to hard!
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A New DirectX4VB URL

10/18/2004 2:12:26 PM | Posted by: Eric Coleman | 1 comment
I can't believe I haven't posted this yet! Instead of memorizing or bookmarking an IP address that can change, I've added a redirection URL to Jack Hoxely's DirectX4VB website.

The new URL is so update and change your bookmarks!
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