


DXGame Engine Demos #1 - dxgame (4 replies, 3622 views) (2005-May-23)
Here's a demo showing a bit about the engine we are developing for Visual Basic 6.

There's actually 4 different small demos included and there's a menu system to select which demo to run.

This download requires the following:

Visual Basic 6 Runtimes Installed
DirectX8.1 or Higher
Most XP machines already have this installed.

Decent 3D Graphics Card

Thanks for checking it out!

(2mb download)
Download Link

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Re: DXGame Engine Demos #1 -  Eric Coleman (0 replies) (2005-May-23)
Very cool!
Re: DXGame Engine Demos #1 -  Sion (0 replies) (2005-May-25)
I'll just copy in what I wrote on the GPWiki forums about this engine:

I've tried it out, and it's really goddamn great!! Looks fantastic and it seems like you've poured a LOT of efford into this - not just in creating the engine, but also the games, demos, tutorials and tools! Makes me sad that it isn't in C++... Image

Oh well, it's superb! Keep up the good job! ... and keep us posted on progress (and full, completed games *hint hint* Image )

Re: DXGame Engine Demos #1 -  dxgame (0 replies) (2005-May-25)
Thanks Eric, Sion for the comments. :) This project has definitely been a labor of love for those involved. I also have to publicly thank the forum users at our site who have contributed their ideas and comments. It's amazing how far the engine has grown the past month alone. The initial goal was to just create a tool that would allow rapid 2D game design in a high level environment, but now we have users who are taking the engine to an entirely new level by combining  3D and 2D rendering.
"... and keep us posted on progress (and full, completed games *hint hint* Image ) "
A few developers using the engine have allowed me to see some of their works in progress (behind closed doors) and I'm just blown away by what I've seen. (Kinda puts my Tetris and shoot-em-up projects to shame, but those are so fun to code! LOL.)
Re: DXGame Engine Demos #1 -  masterbooda (0 replies) (2005-May-27)
Probably the best tech demo I have ever seen..

I can't wait until you release this engine, so I can check it out fully.  This is really great work and your sprite handling routines rock.  The speed in this thing puts my engine to shame, lol.  Again with the utmost respect, this is a damn good engine, now hurry up and release it, lol.

DaBooda out...

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