


NemoX 3D engine website has moved - NemoX 3D Engine (1 reply, 12 views) (2005-Jun-29)
Hello VB gamer people

NemoX is A 3D engine written in Visual Basic .It provides fast methods to manage 3D geometry throught DirectX 8.1. The web site includes tutorials, demos, source code and SDK with more than 50 detailled samples.

It supports many kind of models like Quake 2 MD2, Quake 3 MD3, halflife MDL, .X, .ASE, .OBJ, Milskshape 3D, milkshape Ascii.

Check it out at

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Re: NemoX 3D engine website has moved - blah (0 replies) (2005-Aug-9)
Tutorials have not been updated with engine. Good effort in terms of what the site claims it can do, but nothing available to back it up.

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