


Fantasy Engine 3D - Xadaiss (10 replies, 3348 views) (2005-May-13)
Hello here is a link to my site on where you can download the tech demos from my engine. The engine is developed in vb and directx 8. Please tell us what you think.

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Re: Fantasy Engine 3D -  Sion (0 replies) (2005-May-14)
Very impressive!! Image
Re: Fantasy Engine 3D -  Xadaiss (0 replies) (2005-May-14)
Thanks, and sorry for the site it's my first.
Re: Fantasy Engine 3D -  Lachlan87 (0 replies) (2005-May-14)
Weeeeeeee! Nice!
Re: Fantasy Engine 3D -  Xadaiss (0 replies) (2005-May-15)
Hi, just wanted to inform you, I put a new tech demo - a nice particle effect - Fire, so take a look at it and say what you think.
Re: Fantasy Engine 3D -  Xadaiss (0 replies) (2005-May-15)
New site. Come and visit
Re: Fantasy Engine 3D -  Xadaiss (0 replies) (2005-May-15)
And i you wish to join our team go to the forum section
Re: Fantasy Engine 3D -  ballistik (0 replies) (2005-May-17)
I've looked at all of your demos... the engine looks great! Keep up the great work! Can't wait to program something in it to test it out :).
Re: Fantasy Engine 3D -  Xadaiss (0 replies) (2005-May-18)
Thanks, and btw i now finaly fixed up Environment Mapping so expect new demos soon.
Re: Fantasy Engine 3D -  ballistik (0 replies) (2005-May-18)
Great!  When do you think you'll be releasing a version that we can test out?
Re: Fantasy Engine 3D -  Xadaiss (0 replies) (2005-May-18)
i'll soon put the graphical engine dll, so you can test it, and i think i'll make it open sourced when finished.

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