


Razormoon - xadais (1 reply, 4378 views) (2005-Dec-25)
Razormoon is going to be RPG engine/game.
It will feature graphics like final fantasy 1-6 and will have unique gameplay, the development is still in early stages, currently looking for more developers, so if you want to join the development of this project visit this web page and register on forum, in this point in time the game needs about anyone who want to help so don't hasitate!!!

Game is developed with Visual Basic 6.0 and DirectX 8.

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Re: Razormoon -  xadais (0 replies) (2005-Dec-27)
Update on the site,
First screenshots are now available
We are still in search of a lead story writer, level designers, sprite artist... so if you want to join go to forum and register

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