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XNA is coming to Visual Basic!

5/4/2011 1:38:51 AM | Posted by: cbx | Post a comment
On March 27, 2011 Lisa Feigenbaum Community Program Manager for the Visual Studio Professional team, which includes the Visual Studio IDE and Managed Languages (Visual C#, Visual Basic, Visual F#) made a blog post stating XNA is coming to VB.NET.

The official announcement was made by senior director Dave Mendlen at the 2011 DevConnections conference.

Making available to XNA programmers comes as part of Microsoft's co-evolution strategyto provide equal access to Microsoft technologies for both C# and Visual Basic developers.
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BMSP 1.28 source released!

6/23/2008 8:23:38 AM | Posted by: timbo152k | Post a comment
The award winning open source one-vs-one combat game [i]BotMatch - Secondary Protocol[/i] has an updated release on Planet Source Code.

See link here:
The list of new features is so extensive it's almost like a completely different game than in 2003! Most notably is the new (in beta) MatchFinder feature which acts like an online lobby for finding and connecting with other players to play online against!
The game now includes expansive roamable maps complete with moving obstacles / objects to take cover behind, new graphical enhancements (scorch decals, particle effects, etc.) and lots of engine optimizations. It still has minimal system requirements (133MHz running Windows98 or 200MHz running XP) but will play like a champ on the latest and greatest hardware as well.
The download weighs in at a little under 1MB, so check it out!
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Prodigious escapee is free now

12/13/2006 4:30:19 AM | Posted by: mita27 | Post a comment
Attention ! The prodigious escapee (made in VB6) has been converted to freeware following 2 years in shareware game market .

The Prodigious Escapee is a non-violent ,fun, free & exciting puzzle game with 80 levels, a happy & cute theme music, and a level editor. The objective is to use available objects such as rocket, bomb, reflectors, launchers) to clear your way to the exit. A level editor, available in full version, allows players to create their own puzzle and share with friends.

Have fun !
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vbGORE 0.2.1

12/7/2006 2:41:15 AM | Posted by: Spodi | Post a comment
Downloads Page]
Screenshots Page

vbGORE, Visual Basic Online RPG Engine, is a powerful 2d rpg game engine designed for those who really want to create a commercial game. It requires a bit of time to learn about all there is to it, it isn't as simple as some other engines due to what it has to offer, but is very fast and flexible.

vbGORE offers a very powerful networking system that is sure to allow even the weak home connections to support plenty of users. There is also a fast and powerful graphics engine that allows multiple graphical layers, lighting, particle engine, weather, paperdolling, custom GUIs, and much more.

Most of the features in vbGORE, too, are easy to ignore or remove or wont bog down the engine, making it so you don't have to spend days just removing code that you don't want to use.

Finally, vbGORE uses MySQL on the server to store most all the data, allowing for very easy modification and the ability to access and display the information remotely.

Theres a lot to the engine, so you'll just have to check it out! :D
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DXGame Engine Status

11/19/2006 11:31:48 AM | Posted by: DXGame | 1 comment
I've had a few emails the past month or so asking about the status of the DXGame Engine. Here's a quick update for those interested, DXG is very much alive!

Along with the server attacks the past few months (and lately an incredible amount of email spam), there has been both highs and lows in my life lately.

On the business end, there has been several negotiations with several publishers for up and coming projects, most have failed to deliver due to myself not wanting to give away the kitchen sink. ;) Plus the passing of me mum was a real shock as well.

Things are sslloowwllyy springing back to life on the DXG front. New source examples for the latest engine, an incredible DXG Game Scripting Language (designed by a 3rd party) , new forum, new games, etc, are all in the pipline. DXG for VB6 will stay FREE, the forum will stay FREE, (contrary to previous comments). Rock on......
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"Gem Raider" Released

11/7/2006 10:49:33 PM | Posted by: Brykovian | 2 comments
"Gem Raider" is an action/arcade game with a touch of a puzzle element. Turn on all 4 switches in a Sector without being destroyed by mutant gems. Destroy the mutant gems and protect the white diamonds to maximize your score.

The game (the grown up version of "Gem Runner" from the DXGame Programming Contest earlier this year) was written using VB6 and the DXGame 2D engine.

There is a free demo of the game available for download.
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Eternal Caves Saga Released as freeware

8/9/2006 6:01:29 PM | Posted by: Zahn Software | 2 comments
Eternal Caves is an adventure game that involves looking for keys, doors, removing roadblocks, destroying enemies and finding the exit door. It's a nice maze-like game with lots of levels. The first and second edition are available for download.
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vbGORE 0.0.1 Released

7/23/2006 8:46:35 AM | Posted by: Spodi | 2 comments
I have been working on my vbGORE engine for quite a while now, and have finally got to the point where I am comfortable releasing the first version. A list of all the features can be found here and all the screenshots here

vbGORE is an Online RPG engine designed for performance and optimization rather then ease-of-use like most all the ORPG engines out in Visual Basic. It includes many things you will not find in most all other VB ORPG engines such as byte array packet sending/handling with Winsock API, complete DirectX 8 interface, in-game mailing and much more. This project is far from finished, but is far enough to do most of the basic to intermediate Online RPG functions such as walk, talk, cast spells, fight NPCs, buy/equipt items, raise stats, etc.
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DXGame Engine News

6/19/2006 3:03:19 PM | Posted by: DXGame | 2 comments
The DXGame Engine (2D Game Engine For VB6) continues to mature in both power and ease of use, thanks mainly to the forum users who provide feedback and excellent suggestions.

The following games are 100% coded in VB6 using the DXGame Engine:

  • Gem Runner - Brykovian
An action/arcade game with a puzzle element. Turn on switches to stop mutant gems from taking over their high-tech vault. Freeware. This game won 1st place in a recent DXG coding contest.

  • Dragon Orbs - Alternate Reality Studios
An exciting fast paced action/puzzle game, where the object is to match 3 or more orbs of the same color. Shareware.

  • RetroBlast - JGOware
Retro shooting game, where Robotron meets Geometry Wars. Shareware.

  • Crystal Mountian Balls - Rock Bottom Development
Top down action shooter. Tons of stuff to shoot at and blow up! This game won 2nd place in a recent DXG coding contest. Freeware.

  • Roidulous - JGOware
Shoot asteroids. Shoot ships. Repeat as needed. Shareware.

  • Platform Shooter Demo
A good example of scrolling maps and animated sprites. Freeware.

  • FireWorks
All the sights and sounds of an outdoor Fireworks show! Freeware.
About The DXGame Engine:
The DXGame Engine is a 100% free to use 2D game engine toolkit for use with DirectX 8 and VB6. You can learn more about the DXGame Engine and it's features by visiting the website. There is an active forum available where hundreds of developers are experimenting with the DXGame Engine and it's features.
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Old Visual Basic code repository

6/13/2006 11:11:01 AM | Posted by: Almar | 3 comments
Hi everyone,

Recently I was sorting out my harddrive and found my reasonably sized collection of old source code. I whipped up a simple page which allows you to download them.

There's about 100 files, nearly all about game programming with Visual Basic. Some true classics out there like the first VB 'RTS' called "Jump Point Ion", and the old Truevision7 and 8 engine source!

VB Code repository

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Crystal Mountain Balls

5/16/2006 7:04:46 PM | Posted by: RBDev | 3 comments
Rock Bottom Development has released a demo of the game Crystal Mountain Balls! Crystal Mountain Balls is a game that puts the player inside a totally unique universe unlike anything anyone has ever seen. It promises a totally new gaming experience and excellent visuals. A lot of food, and just enough appetite to make you crawl back for more.

Although Rock Bottom Development plans on add more levels and campaigns soon, this release comes with 2 HUGE campaigns and some extra levels.

Please come and try out the game today!

RBDev Team
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S+F Software Opens New Site Just In Time For Eight Year Anniversary

5/15/2006 11:30:09 PM | Posted by: S. Thompson | Post a comment
Change your bookmarks and tell your friends - S+F Software has a new home on the world wide web at - We're going to try and give everything we've got to get two brand spankin' new titles out by the end of the year. Until then, visit the forums and speak your peace. Without our dear players, we wouldn't have made it as long as we have.
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Black Echelon Omega 1.0 Release

4/21/2006 10:01:46 PM | Posted by: wilzmodz | 2 comments
The Black Echelon development team has just released their first demo! This demo is a tech demo designed to give users a general look and feel for the game. This game is powered by the DXGame Engine and a custom map / script editor.

Richard Carter at Intrigue Games has been working hard overhauling all of the graphics and working on the menu interface.

Over at Wilz Modz we've been working on building the editor and scripting engine.

Be sure to download a copy of the demo today from Wilz Modz
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VB.NET 2005 Express Free Forever!

4/19/2006 7:47:33 PM | Posted by: cbx | 6 comments
Microsoft has announced that because of the popularity of there Express line of products they will be eliminating the November 7, 2006 deadline for free downloads of the express products and making them free, forever!

See full gamedev article here

Download VB.NET Express here
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Ninja*M Movie!

4/7/2006 7:29:43 AM | Posted by: skasoftware | 3 comments
Here's a short gameplay video for NinjaStarMageddon, or Ninja*M as we like to call it.

The basic game type is space freelancer, with an emphasis on fast-paced action. The universe is run by the Pterodactyl Bureaucrats, who perpetuate the rivalry between the Ninjas and Zombies so as to keep themselves in power. Meanwhile, Pirates rob and plunder, and Cyborgs terrorize.

This game was written in VB6 using DirectX 8.0 and the MD2 loading code from
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Alternate Reality Studios Releases Dragon Orbs

3/22/2006 10:39:12 PM | Posted by: ponyboy | Post a comment
At Alternate Reality Studios we have been hard at work and are proud to announce the release of our first game, Dragon Orbs. Dragon Orbs is a casual play style game with retro style graphics. It has an addictive style of play similar to that of Zuma, with some awesome music and cool sound effects. This game was created using VB.

The object of Dragon Orbs is to clear all 50+ levels of the colored orbs. You do that by matching 3 or more of the same colored orb while getting as many points as possible. You must be fast though, the orbs won't stand still, incinerate them before they get to you!

Try out the exciting 5 level demo and to get a taste of Dragon Orbs.

For more information on this game and also about Alternate Reality Studios, please visit our website.
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First download of Quest for the Crimson Lance

3/13/2006 7:25:16 PM | Posted by: Cptn-Grey | 32 comments
Electric Gremlin Ideas releases the first download for Quest of the Crimson Lance. This download features the navigation demo. This is an early release so none of the rpg elements are ready yet. Just the Navigation system is ready yet. The next phase is in the planning so it shouldn't be long before coding resumes.
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DoveZ for sale

3/9/2006 8:22:28 PM | Posted by: Kauto | 4 comments
Hi fellows and gamers

For all retro-fans, veterans and casual gamers:
Lost in troubles with our publisher we finally opened the gates to Intergenies' online shop at
DoveZ - the 2nd wave (R-Type like Arcade Action Shooter) made with VB6 is ready for sale!

You can find the demo here:

Actually, if you like the demo, you may choose between 2 different versions.

a) Full-Edition (ca. 650 MB), including high quality cutscenes. 9.99 Eur /
b) Lite-Edition (ca. 240 MB), rendered cutscenes NOT included, recommended
for low-bandwith users. 6.99 Eur / $8.39

2 different playerships
individual and innovative weapon system for each ship
satellite unit (for D-Phyton playership)
special weapons and upgrades (both playerships)
audiovisual radio messages
rendered cutscenes
many different, exciting sceneries
weather effects (snow, rain, thunder)
3D accelerated graphics
singleplayer and multiplayer
45min original soundtrack (arcade/electro/orchestral) by Toxeen
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Super Mario Bros 3000 is ready to go!

2/26/2006 6:41:40 PM | Posted by: Jeremy Burns | 18 comments
Over the past two years I have been piecing together a Super Mario Brothers game designed to continue the wonder of the original side-scrolling series. It has finally reached the point where I can release it on the world and be proud of my creation. There is nothing left to add feature-wise to the game although I am definently still making more levels and possibly some new enemies. There will eventually be bosses too.

I designed this game as a mixture of all the best parts of other Mario games to date, and a few innovations on my part. There are three powerups besides the mushroom which include the standard fireflower, the hammer suit, and also the carrot that gives you floaty bunny ears. When you get a new item your current one is stored at the top of the screen like in Super Mario World. The poison mushroom, powerstar and P-Block also make appearances. Mario can also get the wingcap from Mario64 which allows him to fly for a while. Some pipes are enterable and there are functional doors also.

The level is timed by a burning fuse at the top of the screen. At the end of each level, there is a spinning wheel over a block which he must hit. When he hits the block a point comes out of it and stops the wheel either on a green or a red mushroom. If the wheel lands on a green mushroom, one of the red coins at the top of the screen turns green, and vice versa for landing on a red coin. When all of the colored coins at the top of the screen are the same color, Mario gets a 1UP.

The bitmaps of Mario are twice the resolution he is drawn in because at some point I hope to get someone to draw or enhance more detailed sprites. But until then, he looks fine.

The game is packaged with a world/level editor which is pretty straightforward to use. Some day I will write documentation on how to use it but if you really want to make your own levels, the editor is easy to figure out. The game is also designed to support mods.

Check out updates and info.

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FREE soundtracks for quality VB games

2/24/2006 1:20:17 AM | Posted by: tannerhelland | 3 comments
Hey VB game programmers -

As a long-time member of the VB gaming community (see my old VB site at, search google for "Tanner Helland", etc.) I've seen a lot of indie VB game projects come and go. As such, I'm again trying to make a contribution to any team that can write a quality VB game.

My online music studio - - will provide at least one original full-length song (mp3, ogg, wav or MIDI format) FREE to anyone that can complete a QUALITY VB game. By quality, I mean that it has to represent a level of workmanship that I can attach my work to and not be embarrassed. :) You can check out the studio site and see that this is a serious promise - so get cracking and write some games! The better the game, the more music you'll get. If your game rocks, I may just provide an entire soundtrack free of charge. This is especially true for a VBRPG...

Don't contact me unless your project is 80-90% done or I won't sign up. Only SERIOUS entries will receive the gift. I run the music studio full-time, so I'll only have time to consider the best entries I get.

Long live the VB gaming community!

-Tanner "DemonSpectre" Helland,
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