New version of PGE is out
8/25/2004 11:40:45 AM | Posted by: Pab | Post a comment Website A new version of the Visual Basic 6, 2D DirectX8 engine, PGE is out.
New in PGE 1.1a: • Some minor and major bugfixes. • Some minor new features has been added. • Example programs to help you get started.
Find it at
Butterfly Hunter - Mother of DreamQuest
6/23/2004 4:09:20 AM | Posted by: Vampire | Post a comment Website Butterfly Hunter is the first game I've ever finished; and it is the mother of Universal Hunter and DreamQuest. This is not using DirectX for only simple image blitting and Windows sound playing. In a few minutes you can reach the end of it, so it is good if you have a few free minutes to play. Have fun! Butterfly HunterSee screenshots on the page.
Noor 3D-2D Engine Ver[0.04]
6/19/2004 8:34:42 PM | Posted by: game_maker | Post a comment WebsiteNoor Engine is based on DirectX8.1. It comes with 16 examples and 3 programs to help you work with the engine. The examples are seperate downloads from the engine.
Star Cars - Second Alpha Demo
DX9Tools Release 5 is now availible!
6/8/2004 10:43:49 PM | Posted by: cbx | 1 comment WebsiteContains the DX9Tools installer which includes Source code, compiled assembly, Documentation, and example apps.
The DX9ToolsR5 helper library is not meant to be another SDK that sits on top of DirectX 9. It is designed to function similarly to the D3DX classes, and provide a more robust and more easier/faster way to work with DirectX 9. Basically DX9Tools aims to simplify DirectX 9 where simplification is necessary. The Camera object is an example of this.
A 3D Program - Straight 3d, no DirectX
6/3/2004 6:03:00 PM | Posted by: masterbooda | Post a comment Website I was again digging through some of my old stuff, and stumbled across this little program. Now keep in mind this was made before Direct3D really took off, and it is straight GDI and math. I would suggest this program for anybody interested in Programming 3D and matrix math. This program does everything in VB with no external routines or librarys(except GDI for the polygon fill), it is a must for the 3D enthusiast, it will show a lot of what Direct3D hides.
The source code can be downloaded from Instructions for use is at the begining of the code.
Enjoy and I hope somebody can learn something from this.
Asteroidia! - DXGame Engine Shareware
5/18/2004 3:04:21 PM | Posted by: dxgame | Post a comment WebsiteAsteroidia is a shareware game designed with the Direct Draw DirectX 7 version of the DXGame Engine available for Visual Basic 6. The game is shareware, but the developer has allowed the user to play to level 20 of the game before the trial expires.
It's fun just to kick back and watch the demo screens. :)
From the developer:
"Rock on with this 2D retro shoot-em-up! Asteroidia features fast paced action with colorfull graphics and explosive sound. Enhancements and 2 modes of play, make this classic more fun then ever! 60 levels of high octane arcade blasting fun you'll want to come back for a "quick fix" over and over again!"
Requirements: DirectX 7 4mb Video Card Visual Basic 6 Runtimes Installed
Click on the website button to download it.
AlphaChannel tutorial
5/3/2004 3:35:31 PM | Posted by: Almar | 2 comments Website This tutorial/information Word document will show you how to use Alpha Channels using DirectX, also explains how to use alpha Channels on 16 bit systems and provides some code.
Link to tutorial page
I wrote this after my recent experiences with Alpha channels, it's not a real tutorial, more like some quick snippet with some guidelines. For more info, also check Topic @ lucky's
Create a physics engine for a bug
4/26/2004 1:55:08 PM | Posted by: Eric Coleman | Post a comment Website There is a really great tutorial at Unlimited Realities showcasing all the steps, from beginning concept to final demo, of a 3D animated bug. The tutorial is in DirectX8, but many of the concepts can be applied to DirectX7 or DirectX9 applications. Source code is included in the demo program.
New Game + help debug
4/26/2004 6:36:45 AM | Posted by: robydx | 2 comments Website I've released a new game: reversi. It has been developed in VB.Net 2003 and directX9.0b. I need help in testing it to see if it works on other systems. The download is available here: in game & code section. Please download it and let me know how it runs.
It's full open source, has enviromnent per pixel lighting effects (if you have shader 2.0 compatible video card), and is a network game.
Project dx_lib32 en español
4/21/2004 3:34:04 PM | Posted by: [EX3] | 1 comment Website Project dx_lib32 is a DirectX wrapper to help simplify game creation in Visual Basic. I think this is in the early stages of development, so if you speak Spanish, then check out the website, or translate it via babelfish. There are plenty of sample applications demonstrating various uses of the wrapper.
Here is the news that the author provided, in Spanish.
dx_lib32 es un sencillo API (Application Programming Interface, Interfaz de programación de Aplicaciones) Multimedia orientado al desarrollo de juegos en Visual Basic. Son un conjunto de funciones que simplifican al programador la ardua tarea de programar por ejemplo un motor grafico o de sonido, con dx_lib32 solo tendrás que preocuparte de programar tu juego.
Con dx_lib32 tendrás las funciones necesarias para poder crear tus propios juegos en 2D con varios efectos gráficos, podrás reproducir variedad de formatos de sonido, música y video, podrás controlar la entrada del teclado, del ratón y del joystick, crear archivos de configuraciones y muchas más cosas. Con dx_lib32 es posible y muy fácil.
Si quieres saber más sobre dx_lib32 entra en su sitio web:
DaBooda 2D Engine v1.0 - Finished
4/19/2004 3:58:54 PM | Posted by: masterbooda | Post a comment WebsiteThis is a fully functional engine that uses DirectX 8.0.
It Features... • Multiple Mapping Support • Multiple Sprite Support and Control • Sound Engine(Unlimited Buffers) with Directional Sound for True Stereo sound • Music Player that supports both Midi and Mp3 • Direct Input that supports all Input... Including Joystick • Many other fetures that help with map and sprite manipulation, such as sprite collision and referencing. • Detailed HTML Help file that explains in detail every aspect and command of the engine.
Download this engine and have the ability to make a fully functional game without any other support.
DXGame 2D+ Engine Demo #1
DXGame Engine(E) Frame Rate Test
4/4/2004 5:10:40 AM | Posted by: dxgame | Post a comment WebsiteWe're currently developing an enhanced version of our 2D game engine for VB6 and we would like to get a report of frame rate tests. If possible, please download (120k .zip) and run the demo and report if you see all the fx plus your system specs and frame rate. Thank you.
3D Video Card (GEforce 2 Compatible) Directx8 or better required.
XNA unveiled
3/24/2004 3:30:24 PM | Posted by: Eric Coleman | 9 comments WebsiteIs this the future of DirectX?
A direct quote from the website
“The XNA development platform will serve as the foundation for future game platforms from Microsoft, including Windows, Xbox and Windows Mobile-based devices.”
VBruceLee Beta1
3/2/2004 6:48:16 PM | Posted by: John Ripper | 4 comments Website VBruceLee its a remake of Amstrad CPC 464 BruceLee Game. This is an early beta, with a lot of code work still to do. The engine of plattform, lamps, fire, walls, stairs, cascades is finished, but enemy AI and other stuff still needs to be implemented. VBruceLee uses DirectX 7.0 only for full screen initialization, all the rest uses Win32 API. This game is written in VB6, so you need the run time libraries. I hope to release the VB 6.0 Source code as soon as possible. Know Bugs: In some Windows XP, the game runs *** very slowly *** :( (I think this may be a driver / DirectX conflict). Development Machine: AMD K6-2 @ 350Mhz, under Win200 Prof. SP3 with 128 Mb RAM and Voodoo 16 Mb. In this machine the game runs perfectly. Check it out here:
New hardware enumeration helper library (beta version)
3/1/2004 4:41:38 PM | Posted by: VBBR | 1 comment Website I have created a small helper library (HXeNUM) with DirectX8 that has the following features:
• Hardware Adapters Enumeration • Checking for Hardware Acceleration Support • Screen Display Modes Enumeration • Retrieving the current display mode being used in a particular device • Evaluation of particular features of the hardware adapter such as Depth Buffer formats, Maximum Active Lights, Maximum Texture Size and Blend Stages.
It's still in a beta version, and so some bugs may be still in it. But, it's supposed to work at most situations.
The ZIP file contain an HTML file for reference, the binaries for the DLL and an example program as well as source code for both.
Programming Challenge Announced
2/28/2004 8:17:05 AM | Posted by: Brykovian | 7 comments Website Are you pretty nifty with VB5 or VB6? Know a bit about programming games? Well, here's the big question: Can you live without DirectX, OpenGL, Win32 APIs, or any other outside library?
I have recently launched a simple challenge, called: Brykovian's Challenge #1 -- OLD SKOOL. Programmers are challenged to make game based upon old schoolyard games using only the native controls and methods from VB5/6.
Deadline is 2-April-2004, but only the first 10 entries will be accepted. Get the details here:
Shader Development Kit
2/14/2004 4:43:07 AM | Posted by: robydx | 1 comment WebsiteI've created a usefull tool that allow to develop vertex and pixel shader until version 3.0 also without hardware support on graphics card. You can find it on my web site in project SDK. This tool is written in VB.Net 2003 and directX9.0b. There are also other project.