


Project dx_lib32 en español - [EX3] (1 reply, 10 views) (2004-Apr-21)
Project dx_lib32 is a DirectX wrapper to help simplify game creation in Visual Basic. I think this is in the early stages of development, so if you speak Spanish, then check out the website, or translate it via [url=""]babelfish.[/url] There are plenty of sample applications demonstrating various uses of the wrapper. Here is the news that the author provided, in Spanish. dx_lib32 es un sencillo API (Application Programming Interface, Interfaz de programación de Aplicaciones) Multimedia orientado al desarrollo de juegos en Visual Basic. Son un conjunto de funciones que simplifican al programador la ardua tarea de programar por ejemplo un motor grafico o de sonido, con dx_lib32 solo tendrás que preocuparte de programar tu juego. Con dx_lib32 tendrás las funciones necesarias para poder crear tus propios juegos en 2D con varios efectos gráficos, podrás reproducir variedad de formatos de sonido, música y video, podrás controlar la entrada del teclado, del ratón y del joystick, crear archivos de configuraciones y muchas más cosas. Con dx_lib32 es posible y muy fácil. Si quieres saber más sobre dx_lib32 entra en su sitio web: [url=""][/url]

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Re: Project dx_lib32 en español -  VBBR (0 replies) (2004-Apr-22)
Here's the submitted news translated (by myself) to english... not a perfect translation but I think you can understand :) "dx_lib32 is a Multimedia API destined to development of games in Visual Basic. It has functions that simplify to the programmer the hard task of programming for example a graphics or sounds engine, with dx_lib32 you will only need to worry about programming your game. With dx_lib32 you will have the necessary functions to be able to create your own games in 2D with various graphics effects, to play a variety of sound formats, music and video, to control keyboard, mouse and joystick input, create configuration files and many other things. With dx_lib32 it's possible and very easy. If you want to know more about dx_lib32 go to the website:"

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