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Tile Editor 2002

10/11/2002 12:01:57 AM | Posted by: cdfbr | Post a comment
Hey everyone just wanted to post my Tileset Editor. This is my first version so far and its pretty stable. It supports editing in tilesizes of 16x16, 32,32 and 32x48.

Read the *.rtf doc inside for more infomation.
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Deloria Pre-Beta 2.0

10/10/2002 3:49:32 PM | Posted by: Nexemis | Post a comment
Deloria Pre-Beta 2.0 is almost ready for public testing. To be a candidate to test Deloria 2.0, please visit the webste click the Beta Signup link and completely fill out the application.

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Fetish Fighters 0.5 Alpha out

10/8/2002 10:14:55 AM | Posted by: brzgames | Post a comment
I have just released the 0.5 Alpha of Fetish Fighters. This version fixes lots of bugs over the previous versions, and now includes combos, and 'Sexualities' (finishing moves.) I've also tweaked the gameplay a little by adjusting the amount of damage done by attacks. This version should hopefully fix automation error issues, and file not found issues. It also has a key configure utility now. DO NOT INSTALL OVER TOP OF PREVIOUS VERSIONS. Make sure you either delete your old FF, or install this one in a new folder.
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2002 VB Gaming Christmas Contest

10/6/2002 3:37:07 PM | Posted by: Eric Coleman | Post a comment
The 2002 VB Gaming Christmas Contest is here. The tentative rules are posted, and a discussion thread is available for those that want to discuss the contest in more detail.

There is a link to the page in the right hand column, or you can click here.
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Space Wars Alpha 0.8.5

10/3/2002 6:41:30 PM | Posted by: J-Rac | 1 comment
This is a game I completed about 2 months ago. It's a space fighting game with single player and multiplayer support. This is the full install version.
Please try it out!

Download it here
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Baronsoft back online

9/26/2002 5:29:43 PM | Posted by: Blightedlove | Post a comment
The Baronsoft website is back online after a long offline period. Baronsoft is the founder of ORE (Online-RPG-engine) and is now open once more.
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Fetish Fighters Alpha 0.2 now available

9/22/2002 12:13:18 AM | Posted by: brzgames | Post a comment
I've just uploaded Alpha 0.2 to my website of Fetish Fighters. This version should finally fix the mouse/focus problem the plagued the earlier version. It also uses compressed bitmaps for the characters to shrink the installed size down from 245 meg to 35 meg. It also includes other minor bug fixes.
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Megabowl V1.0.0.8 Beta Release

9/16/2002 10:16:44 AM | Posted by: bumblearse | 2 comments
An update to Megabowl has been released. This management game is a homage to Championship Manager, and it allows you manage a team to the Megabowl League title. See the Website for more information, download it, play it, and tell me what you think!
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Nuke Skywanker version 1.1 is already released!

9/15/2002 1:27:49 PM | Posted by: Gunman | Post a comment
Only a few days ago since I released Nuke Skywanker and there is already an update! The patch fixes a few bugs but mostly of all it now won't crash anymore if you didn't have Visual Basic itself installed. There are now also three different executables in case one doesn't work. One which uses Media Player for the sound effects, one which has no sound at all (emergency .exe if both the other executables fail to work) and the original .exe which somehow generates an error with an .ocx files on most computers. In addition to this importent fix the patch does also the following things:

  •  Lazer length is shorter
  •  The top of the lazer is a bit wider
  •  Only the top of the lazer will inflict damage
  •  Lazers won't vanish instanly, it looks slightly better
  •  Fixed a bug where the player could instantly hit the other
  •  Fixed the bug that the iffi cheat didn't work, also altered the conditions a bit
  •  Removed the timer counting from 5 until starting the game
  •  Removed the bug where the crafts would remain their speed after resetting
  •  Fixed a bug that the music wouldn't loop
  •  Fixed a crash when a player was destroyed
  •  Altered the lazer starting position, also looks better
  •  Fixed some spelling mistakes here and there

Goto my site for all info: or goto to directly download it. If you have the old version then goto download a zip with only the updated files which obviously is a lot smaller then the full zip. Like usual all kinds of feedback is appreciated and enjoy!
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Fetish Fighters

9/11/2002 7:41:55 AM | Posted by: brzgames | Post a comment
Hello all. Just thought I'd let everyone know about a game I'm writing in 100% VB. It's an all female fighting game called Fetish Fighters. Check out the website for more info.

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Tokrath MMORPG (free) goes public!

9/8/2002 3:21:20 PM | Posted by: Purgatory Projects | Post a comment
Tokrath is opening to the public. Please try this free Visual Basic game.

We are still in our testing phase so their isn't too much content to explore yet. Please read all the news in the updater and the MOTD.

Have fun!
screenshot screenshot
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WordWars Open Beta

9/8/2002 8:32:33 AM | Posted by: Peter | Post a comment
Atomic Monks have released a beta of their new game, WordWars. Head on over to their websiteto get it while you can.

WordWars takes a unique spin on scrabble, by adding items like bombs and poison to the mix.
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Nuke Skywanker released!

9/7/2002 1:05:35 PM | Posted by: Gunman | Post a comment
Today I just released my first game, Nuke Skywanker which is completely written in Visual Basic! Enjoy and any kind of feedback is apreciated.
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Purgatory Isometric Engine 0.1 Open Source Released

8/27/2002 2:44:44 AM | Posted by: Wouter Lievens | Post a comment
I have released an open source version of my Isometric Engine project. Feel free to check it out and try to unravel and improve the mysteries of its source code. It's well documented!
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Frosted Beta2 Released

8/22/2002 3:39:01 PM | Posted by: Peter | Post a comment
IconSoft has released an updated beta version of their game, Frosted. The new version includes:

  • Joystick support
  • Title-screen menu
  • Bug fixes
  • Improved rendering code

Check it out here
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VBGH updated!

8/21/2002 9:01:10 AM | Posted by: Jason | Post a comment
Featuring "Romance of the 3 Geekdoms" and a short message from Paul Lendrum.
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Galactic Wars Version Alpha 1 is Released

8/19/2002 7:58:01 PM | Posted by: Krisc | Post a comment
I would like to say that the road has been very long and I believe the rewrite of the entire game was very much needed. Tell us what you think at or, be sure to read the readme before you try and run the game!

Get it here It is 512kb just to let you know.
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Bitmap fonts tutorial at Atomic Monks

8/17/2002 11:02:25 AM | Posted by: Eric Coleman | Post a comment
Atomic Monks has an extensive tutorial on how to use bitmap fonts in your DirectX application.

Atomic Monks
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Huge update for

8/16/2002 2:47:37 PM | Posted by: Jack Hoxley | Post a comment
DirectX 4 VB - the biggest site for multimedia VB programming has been updated with 11 new pieces, and a slightly revised design/layout:

4 new tutorials:
  •  DirectXInput8 Action Mapping.
  •  DirectXSound8 real-time sound effects.
  •  DirectXGraphics8 stencil buffers (a short introduction)
  •  DirectXGraphics8 vertex skinning / matrix palette skinning

4 new reviews:
  •  Realistic Ray Tracing (Book)
  •  Geometry Toolbox for 3D graphics and modeling (Book)
  •  Practical Algorithms for 3D Graphics (Book)
  •  ASUSTeK v8440 GeForce4 Ti4400 graphics card (Hardware)

3 new articles:
  •  VB.Net vs VB6 - a look at compiler/execution performance
  •  D3D8 a complete starters guide - a 71 page pdf document
  •  Critical path analysis and scheduling for computer games.

check them all out at:
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Alpha 7 Preview

8/15/2002 12:09:44 PM | Posted by: Peter | Post a comment
Brykovian has written up a preview for the space combat game Alpha 7. Check out his thoughts on the game here
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