


Fetish Fighters Alpha 0.2 now available - brzgames (16 replies, 3000 views) (2002-Sep-22)
I've just uploaded Alpha 0.2 to my website of Fetish Fighters. This version should finally fix the mouse/focus problem the plagued the earlier version. It also uses compressed bitmaps for the characters to shrink the installed size down from 245 meg to 35 meg. It also includes other minor bug fixes.

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Re: Fetish Fighters Alpha 0.2 now available - Gunman (0 replies) (2002-Sep-22)
It doesn't work with me. :( When I click on one of the options I get an error message.
It's a problem with the mouse setting focus to a form behind the main form. I'll have an updated exe to fix this on my site sometime today. In fact, the mouse isn't used in the game, a game pad, or the cursor keys are used to select items, and the punch button (the insert key on the keyboard) is used to select items.
Re: Fetish Fighters Alpha 0.2 now available - Gunman (0 replies) (2002-Sep-23)
Ah, ok. Thanks :)
Re: Fetish Fighters Alpha 0.2 now available - Mattman (0 replies) (2002-Sep-28)
Your game sounds kinky...where exactly did you come up with the name Fetish Fighters?
Actually, my wife came up with it. (She also came up with the idea for the game. It originally started off as a fighting engine something like Mugen, but Windows based.)
Re: Fetish Fighters Alpha 0.2 now available - Mattman (0 replies) (2002-Sep-30)
Is your wife kinky then? :-P
It runs too fast on my computer, you should limit the fps in the game. It also takes a long time to load into the game, I know it doesn't have to be so try creating some optimaztions. Also limit the fighting motions until the current motion is finished.
Mattman, Well, she has helped me extensively with costume design, so to speak.......... :)
I'm sorry I should have been more specific, the menus and text run too fast I'm unable to perfectly see the text before selecting it. And as for the animations, I might press insert a couple times and it would reset the animation.
Hmmm, do you mean that when you select an item in a menu, it selects an item in the next menu if you hold the insert key down for a second?!? And pressing insert a couple of times resets the animation? This occurs while you are fighting?
The last part is correct, as far as the menus no. Here let me explain, the text flashes or blinks when the main menu comes up and when the game is over. It's cuz my computer is too fast but there should be an easy way to fix this.
I haven't had a chance to try this game but from the sound of some of these posts, It sounds like you need to add time based modeling to your game.... dont limit FPS to slow it down... you can make the text scroll, or any other animations appear at the exact same speed on any type of computer.... If you don't know how to do this, I can send you the source code for SpaceWars, it uses time based modeling for EVERYTHING. Animation, timers, delays, damage, text, etc...
Everything in the game is based off of a time interval. The FPS are not limited in anyway. I get over 100 FPS on my machine at home (1700 XP), that would be WAY too fast if I didn't have everything keyed off of intervals. Actions, effects, etc are given an interval in MS for each frame of the animation to perform, thus it should not be faster on one machine than another. Even the menus are on an interval of 100 MS (have to remain on the existing menu item for at least 100 MS before going to the next item.) So I don't see how the computer could be too fast. I suspect it's something else making the menu's flash. What are your system specs? And has anyone else had a problem with flashing text?
My specs are: (X2) Pentium 3-500mhz 128 Radeon 9000 Pro-Atlantis 425mb ram Windows 2000
Hmmm, well the 3 machines I've been testing on are a 1700XP with a GeForce 4mx, a P3 800 with a TNT2, and a celeron 466 (OC'd to 525) with a Voodoo3. (All on W2K.) I haven't tried an ATI card. Maybe there's an issue there. Has anyone else tried it with an ATI card? In particular a Radeon 9000 series? I'm going to upload version 0.5 sometime today. I don't know if it will fix your problem or not, but it has a lot of bug fixes of the 0.2 alpha (and the 0.4 alpha exe I release a while back.) It fixes some problems with surfaces. Maybe your problem is related? Give it a try and let me know. Thanks.
v.5 worked better thanks. I just don't visit site very often.

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