


Galactic Wars Version Alpha 1 is Released - Krisc (1 reply, 2880 views) (2002-Aug-19)
I would like to say that the road has been very long and I believe the rewrite of the entire game was very much needed. Tell us what you think at or, be sure to read the readme before you try and run the game! Get it [url=""]here[/url]. It is 512kb just to let you know.

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Re: Galactic Wars Version Alpha 1 is Released - Anonymous (0 replies) (2002-Aug-20)
First, how many Alpha (1)'s are you going to release? You released the First version which you called "ALPHA 1" and then the second version "ALPHA 2" and now should it not be 3 not 1, should it not? and btw, with every release your site still says its 15% done and nearing completion. 15% does not sound like its complete unless you are only planning to put in 20% (or less) of the planned content. one last thing, what does the dll MSstr.dll do? I haven't tried it cause I don't trust apps that give you a dll to register without telling you what it does and somewhere in the readme.txt saying that you write to the registry.

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