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My video card sucks. PyroBoy (7 replies, 0 views) (2000-Jun-10) I just got a new video card and I tried running a game I wrote with it. The game used to use 8 bit color cuz my old card was 1 meg, and so I tried cranking it up to 16 and 24 bpp to see what it ran like.
What I find is that DDraw's Blt method has gone insane. All I get in 16bpp is a bunch of loose raster lines that look nothing like the pic I'm trying to blit. It's a little more coherent in 24bpp but NONE of the colorkeys work.
Another DDraw app I wrote with the same DDraw wrapper module functions works just fine in 8, 16 and 24 bit.
What's going on here? I have the latest drivers from the manufacturer, and they claim full support for DX7. Could it have something to do with the size of the surface? It's quite large (3600x 200). My old 1996-era 1 meg card did just fine with it though.... By the way, the card's an SiS 6326.