Some Closing Tips
everything that you can get your hands on regarding game design.
Regardless of the fact that most of it is written by the big players in
the business, the fact of the matter is that the community is mostly
made up of small developers like yourself. The data is still relevant
and can be bent to suit your needs. I find postmortems are especially
informative as they allow you to see where the big developers went
wrong, and how your game can avoid a similar fate.
Continue to
play games, lots of them, and of every kind. But not only should you
play them, you should study them. You must first know your enemy and
his tactics before you can ever hope to defeat him. Find out how Quake
has trained you to drool at the mere mention of the word "frag." Why
does Pokemon melt the brains of small children? What is it that makes
the Warcraft series an enduring classic? In other words, ask yourself
what game developers are doing to stay on the top of the heap, and soon
you'll be up there shoving 'em off.