The Concept
Make sure that your game idea is something that sets your imagination
ablaze. You are going to be working on this project for a long time
hence, and if it doesn't positively tickle your fancy right now, you
can be sure that any tickling will end after the honeymoon. Talk to
your 'game playing' friends and see what they think. If you can't get
them excited about it after five minutes then your idea probably isn't
that good. The initial thrill of the concept is what gets people to buy
games, and if you can't thrill your partisan friends, how can you
expect the gaming community to be thrilled by the description on your
box or web-site?
Coming up with a great idea is one thing, but
you also have to be realistic with your vision. You know what you are
capable of achieving, don't fool yourself into thinking you're better
than you are. Design with your limitations in mind and you'll have a
much easier time when you finally start to code. Never let your
imagination run completely off the leash and then try to stretch your
technology to fit it, you will end up with the computer game equivalent
of a fat man in spandex.
Have a brainstorming session with
anyone that you feel has good insight into games. Come up with as many
'cool' additions to your concept as you can and be sure to write
everything down. After the session, take your notes and carefully craft
a feature list from the ideas that please you most, only you truly know
which are going to be feasible. Split your list into three sections:
Required, expected, and hoped-for. All of the ideas that you believe
are needed to make your game complete should be flagged as 'required'.
Any ideas you know would add greatly to your game but are not essential
should be 'expected'. And finally, those far-out and possibly difficult
to implement features that you've conceived should be labeled
'hoped-for'. Later, when identifying your milestones and deadlines,
take these three categories into account. You must ensure sufficient
development time to include all of your 'required' features and as many
'expected' ones as possible. If you have time left over afterward, try
your hand at some of the 'hoped-for' ideas, but don't get too attached
to them incase you have to let some go as the deadlines draw near.
The Design Document
There are divergent theories regarding the purpose and creation of
the design document. As I see it, for the small developer it does not
matter so much how you make your design document so long as you make it
concise and complete. Ensure that your design doc describes everything
in your game, from top to bottom. If you're going to have to program
it, record it, or draw it, it should be in this document. Describe the
functional specifications first, and only when this is finalized should
you create the technical component. Describe every algorithm you intend
to employ and every solution you intend to implement. If you can't
think of a solution for it now, don't include it in your game. Never
assume that you'll "figure it out when you get to it."
Keep your
design doc as modular as possible so that it can be easily added to or
subtracted from. If you need to make changes to it down the road you
should be able to do so without disrupting any unrelated items. Having
said that, I must now emphasize the importance of sticking to your
document once it's complete. Of course it is wise to allow for the
possibility of change, but as much as possible you should keep your
design static. It is very difficult to hit a moving target, and we all
know that hell hath no fury like a programmer scorned.
Once your
design doc is complete, coding should be a breeze. You'll already have
all of your solutions identified and you'll have a complete list of
items that need to be implemented. Just go through the list (in order,
have discipline!) and barring any major design changes, your game
development shall press forward like little girls at a Backstreet Boys
Deadlines and Milestones
Even the one-man army must make milestones and deadlines for
himself. Whether you have a publisher or not, it is a beneficial
practice. When you pass a milestone it's kind of like getting a pat on
the back, you know you've done well and it makes you feel good to know
that things are progressing. Additionally, the presence of deadlines
and schedules will entice you to do what needs to be done and to do it
on time. Without these constructs the development path becomes blurred
and you will find yourself straying to work on items further down the
path simply because that's where the 'fun bits' are. Development is
undoubtedly most efficient when undertaken logically and sequentially,
so make your design such that this process will be as painless as
Peruse your technical and functional documents and
extract what seem to be the most important milestones. Apply to these
milestones reasonably generous deadlines wherever possible. There is
nothing worse than the feeling you get as you see your deadlines flying
past and you realize that you are slipping, so keep this in mind.
your project has no set ship date, allow as much time for testing and
QA as you can. It is impossible to predict what problems may arise
during these times, so it is best not to try to compress the schedule.
You will know when you are satisfied with the quality of the product,
so ship when you're good and ready - one of the advantages of being an
independent one-man army.