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DirectX8.1 Tile Engine v0.1.6

1/28/2004 1:25:36 PM | Posted by: Kain | 5 comments
KainWares DirectX8.1 Tile Engine version 0.1.6 has just been released. ( Maps loading from a map file

Current features include:

  • Data loading from external files
  • Smooth Scrolling
  • unlimited map size
  • Vertice Lighting
  • Alpha Blending
  • 2 Layers
  • Shadows on second layer objects
  • Support for images up to 512*512
  • Ability to load TileSets
  • DirectX8 Sound support
  • DirectX8 Music support
  • Bitmapped Font


Please notify me if you decide to play around with the engine,

Craig "Kain" Brooking

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DeleD 3D Modeller available

12/15/2003 4:18:43 PM | Posted by: Jeroen Commandeur | Post a comment
The free DeleD 3D modeller is available for download. This is an easy-to-use 3D modeller suitable for game creation (which is why it was created :) ). It supports exporting to DirectX .X files and uses easy-to-understand ASCII fileformats so it's easy to write your own importers in VB. Feel free to visit
The Delgine Team
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DX9Tools Release 4 Availible

12/13/2003 3:59:30 PM | Posted by: Created by: X | 1 comment
My DX9 (Managed) Helper library DX9Tools Release 4 is now availible and has it's own workspace at gotdotnet! I have also included another project called DXEliminator which further simplifies DX9 but uses DX9Tools in the background.

I have also provided 14 example apps that demonstrate a number of DX9Tools features.

DX9Tools needs your feedback to become even better! And I am always happy to have people contribute weather it be with code or just ideas on how to improve the library!

DX9ToolsR4 Feature list ...
  • Ability to save, load and pass over sets of texture state mapping flags.
  • Provides an easy to use camera object.
  • Provides storage collections for cameras, lights, materials, meshes, and a few more.
  • Init graphics in just 1 lines of code and let DX9Tools use best hardware features automatically.
  • Each object tries to be independent from one another so that the developer can choose what specific objects they want to make use of and not have to worry about any one object being dependant on another to perform a task.
  • Many pre-built interfaces so that you can write your own custom objects or inherit from the existing pre-built base objects.
  • Provides a simple Animation controller!
  • Provides a number of pre-built animation controller keys like position, rotation, scale, matrix, and texture state keys.
  • Provides a number of sprite interfaces and base objects.
  • Contains many common and useful methods for working with directx.
  • Easy to use DirectDraw class.
  • Helper methods for Lights, Geometry, and math.
  • Objects for working with the keyboard and mouse.
  • A MeshEx (Mesh Extended) wrapper class that stores it's own materials.
  • Contains a number of GUI interfaces and base objects.
  • Provides a class for 2D graphic fonts both static and animated.
  • Provides a class for animated strips.
  • Raises custom exceptions for specific errors.
With more features being created.
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Close Approach 3D asteroids shooter release

12/9/2003 5:15:40 AM | Posted by: Abstract Worlds Ltd. | Post a comment
Abstract Worlds Ltd. have released the latest version of Close Approach, a 3D accelerated first person asteroids shooter for Windows PCs.

Close Approach v2.03 has improved graphics and is a smaller size (1.3Mb) ideal for downloading. A free 2 level demo is available, and the full version can be purchased directly from the company's website.

Close Approach was originally released in November 1998 as shareware. After signing an exclusive publishing agreement, the shareware version was replaced with just a demo version. Apart from a small budget release into CompUSA in 2002, the publisher failed to release it's titles successfully into retail and eventually went bust.

"We decided it was time to make the full version of Close Approach available again, and we will sell it direct via electronic distribution", said Paul Ireland, Director of Abstract Worlds Ltd.

Close Approach is developed in VB5 and was originally developed before Microsoft released a DirectX interface for VB. As such it also uses a C DLL layer, although the 3D engine and gameplay is developed in VB.
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KainWare Returns

12/6/2003 9:07:59 AM | Posted by: Kain | Post a comment
->Website has returned, and I have recently started on a new DirectX7 Tile-Engine, aswell as some DirectX8.1 tutorials.
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NemoX engine Beta testing

11/28/2003 10:50:33 AM | Posted by: BIGPOPA | 3 comments
NemoX Engine is a DirectX 8.1 based 3D Engine with very interesting features like Quake 2 and Quake 3 characters supported, 3DS, .X, ASE, OBJ, milkshape 3d Meshes supported. There are numerous tutorials and code source at the Engine Web Site. The NemoX 1.04 SDK is available at the download Page. Check the engine web site Here
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9/5/2003 7:31:45 AM | Posted by: fabio | Post a comment
A demo of shooter game like as Quake by id Software, Inc.
See the Readme.txt file about instructions and how to play.

Graphic Accelerator Card and DirectX 7 or higher needed.
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Italian DX8 and Dx9 tutorial

8/18/2003 7:19:49 AM | Posted by: RobyDx | Post a comment
I've published a website with a lot of advanced tutorial for DirectX8 and DirectX9 for VB6 and VB.Net. It's in italian but has a lot of arguments like pixel shader, fur shading, animation with source code for every tutorial. I've about a hundred tutorials that I update every week.

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Universal Hunter Game Engine

6/25/2003 4:25:14 AM | Posted by: Vampire - Universal Hunter | Post a comment
A new DirectX Game Engine has appeared made in VB 6. Once the engine is installed on a PC, games can be added that will automatically be recognized by the engine. Supports from arcade type to strategic and quest-adventure type game.
Try it at
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DXRE - The DirectX8 RPG Engine

5/30/2003 5:05:41 PM | Posted by: Spodi | 2 comments
DXRE, or DirectX RPG Engine, is a 2d top-down engine created nearly all from DirectX8 and Visual Basic. It is a free open-source game engine made mainly for rpg, adventure, and action games. You might say that it is like an offline version of ORE 0.5, but with non-tilebased movement, license, and other goody features.
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VGL Videogame Layer 1.0

5/7/2003 7:29:59 AM | Posted by: hotrodx | Post a comment
I'd like to present my latest project VGL, or Videogame Layer. It's a DLL that simplifies DirectX7 routines to create fullscreen 2D tile-based games with Visual Basic 6. It's designed for simplicity and ease of use. It can help create platformers, RTSs, RPGs and shooters. The targeted audience are Intermediate VB users, but Advanced users can find it useful, too.

To get it, go to my website at Head for the VGL section and follow the Directory to download the VGL Utilities, which consists of DLL register, Tilemap Editor and Log Reader. VGL Utilities also includes two demos: a very playable 8 stage platformer and an RPG tilemap engine demo.

Also in the site are some VGL tutorials. And I've got new artworks in the Artwork section.

I hope you can give it a try.
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DX9ToolsR3, CommonCBXR2, And GameToolsR1 are now availible!

4/2/2003 3:40:22 AM | Posted by: cbx | Post a comment
I need to develop a user base for my libraries ...

  • The DX9Tools helper library is not meant to be another SDK that sits on top of DirectX 9. It is designed to function similarly to the D3DX classes, and provide a more robust and more easier/faster way to work with DirectX 9. Basically DX9Tools aims to simplify DirectX 9 where simplification is necessary.
  • The GameTools helper library (not yet full featured) is meant to assist the developer in performing a set of tasks that are common to most games.
  • The CommonCBX helper library is meant to assist the developer in providing a common set of tasks and functionality that the .NET Framework does not provide.
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Rotation - New puzzle game

3/25/2003 3:44:46 PM | Posted by: David | Post a comment
Me and a friend has finaly completed a puzzle game. Its really hard, try it out.

Requirement is Vb runtime files 6.0 and DirectX7

You can get it here:
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Space Bandits Alpha

3/10/2003 11:28:33 AM | Posted by: BRZGames | 11 comments
Space Bandits is a space shooter I've been working on for about 3 months. It's a mix of 2D and 3D graphics. I've posted a link to the download below (You need DirectX8 or later installed, and the VB runtime already installed.) Use the cursor keys or joystick to move (keys are not mappable yet), and Insert fires. Also, A ans S strafe left and right. I greatly appreciate anyone letting me know if it runs, and (assuming it does) what kind of framerate you're getting.(It's largely unoptimized.) I also hope to get some feedback/suggestions from you guys to improve it.

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3D Racers (v1.0) [Updated]

3/6/2003 2:57:22 AM | Posted by: fabio | Post a comment
This is a cool real 3D racing game written in VB6 and using DirectX7 D3D Retain Mode.

It's a VB clone of LUDORACE, created by GraphitX for Ludorama.

The game is in progress; send to me your comments, suggestions or ideas to improve the game.
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New DirectX9 Tutorials and Sections

1/12/2003 2:53:18 PM | Posted by: Krisc | Post a comment
Just wanted to say that we have two new tutorials over at Digital Explosions.

One is for DirectX and DirectDraw, it teaches you how to create the device in a fullscreen window.

The other is a tutorial on Clickable Buttons, the tutorial is not finished, but it explains how to do clickable buttons and has a sample project which includes DirectDraw and DirectInput modules which are useful in game programming.

I will be adding tutorials as well as screen shots of Galactic Wars 2 as the week goes on.
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Direct3D 9 Tutorial Released

1/8/2003 9:57:21 PM | Posted by: Jack Hoxley | Post a comment
I've finally finished and uploaded the first tutorial in the DirectX 9 series for my website -

The latest tutorial, spanning 55 printed pages, covers all the bases for learning and implementing Direct3D 9 applications in managed code. Beginner-intermediate level.
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X-Hex, available soon

12/29/2002 2:11:00 AM | Posted by: CodeMonger | 2 comments
I would like to introduce a new game that will be available soon. Written 100% in VB and DirectX. The website is not fully launched yet, and the game not released yet, in the next week. But in the meantime have a look while things progress, and as soon as a demo is available I will let everyone know. I would hope to get a lot of support/testers/feedback from the VB community.
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DirectX 9 is here

12/22/2002 12:57:43 AM | Posted by: Blightedlove | Post a comment
DirectX9 has been released for those that don't know.

DirectX 9 SDK
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Files and Articles archive from VBGC

12/14/2002 3:41:24 PM | Posted by: Eric Coleman | Post a comment
Remember VB Gaming Central? All the best bits in one place? Well, Adam Hoult, the webmaster of the now defunct VBGC, has given me access to the website's content. VBGamer is now hosting the old articles and files from VBGC, and they've been reformated to a much harder to read format. j/k.

Some of the articles have appeared in other places, but I've decided to keep them all in one place. As for the files, they are all original zip archives. Some of them might be missing a type library, and some are a bit old, but they're still great resources of programming information. I tested all of the files myself, and they all work. Although one of the files needs to be edited to rename the DirectX interfaces depending on which version of the old DirectX type library you use.

Check the console on the right side of the page. You'll find the links to the Articles and Files sections.
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