VBGamer |
DX9ToolsR3, CommonCBXR2, And GameToolsR1 are now availible! cbx (0 replies, 1515 views) (2003-Apr-2) I need to develop a user base for my libraries ...
The DX9Tools helper library is not meant to be another SDK that sits on top of DirectX 9. It is designed to function similarly to the D3DX classes, and provide a more robust and more easier/faster way to work with DirectX 9. Basically DX9Tools aims to simplify DirectX 9 where simplification is necessary. The GameTools helper library (not yet full featured) is meant to assist the developer in performing a set of tasks that are common to most games. The CommonCBX helper library is meant to assist the developer in providing a common set of tasks and functionality that the .NET Framework does not provide. |