


DX9ToolsR3, CommonCBXR2, And GameToolsR1 are now availible! - cbx (0 replies, 1437 views) (2003-Apr-2)
I need to develop a user base for my libraries ...
  • The DX9Tools helper library is not meant to be another SDK that sits on top of DirectX 9. It is designed to function similarly to the D3DX classes, and provide a more robust and more easier/faster way to work with DirectX 9. Basically DX9Tools aims to simplify DirectX 9 where simplification is necessary.
  • The GameTools helper library (not yet full featured) is meant to assist the developer in performing a set of tasks that are common to most games.
  • The CommonCBX helper library is meant to assist the developer in providing a common set of tasks and functionality that the .NET Framework does not provide.

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