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Converting String to Byte and back & David Goo Warder (8 replies, 0 views) (2000-May-29) Wheew. bearly got the whole subject in!!
Anyways, someone mentioned to D.Goodlad that he should convert is "string" scripts into bytes, so people wont be able to read and modify the sucker "illegaly" or whatever..
Well, I have my own UDTs, and in them are a string variable. When written to a file, and you open the file with a text editor or whatever, it will show a whole lot of empty squars and then show's the complete strings..grr!! What I want to know, is how do I convert the string into bytes to save, then revert them back to strings when reading, or whatever....
To David Goodlad:
when's your next scripting tutorila coming out? lol, I'm on my toes for that one!