


Re: Natura (Beta) - Eric Coleman (1 reply, 1732 views) (2005-Oct-25)
Even though this is only beta, it looks really cool, has great music and sound effects.  Overall, this is a really good game.  Although, I have to admit that it is not as easy as it seems.  I can't seem to win any levels Image Let us know when you decide to publish this!  I love hearing about success stories.

Did you keep a journal during this process? Would you be interested in maybe posting an article here telling others about your experiences working as a team to create this game?  I'd love to hear all about it!

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Re: Natura (Beta) -  Shaedo (0 replies) (2005-Oct-30)
Hi Eric, sorry for the late reply. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's tricky to get the hang of controlling the ball, but once you get used to it, it becomes a doddle to move about the levels. The current plan is to release the game with a few more levels and features sometime in the near future, for free.

I'd love to post an article, but I'm very busy at the moment working on two game projects (Natura and another fairly ambitious project). We were'nt really required to keep a journal during development, even though it would have been a very good idea to have. I'll see if I can dig something up that would be of interest and post it.



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