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Re: Nexus Posts Hard To Read!!! Chris Kline (1 reply, 0 views) (2001-May-26) I took the liberty to look at the code and figure out the problem...here it is and the solution.
In Netscape the lines "The Nexus - News...The latest news from the vb gaming community/scene:" all looks fine. However immediately following the "Next 25 entrees" line is compressed to a blur. As a web developer I was interested to see what could so drastically change the text, and here it is.
<span class="NewsContent">
Any instance of span appears to cause this problem. Frankly I don't see any reason for this command to begin with. I don't know this particular IE oriented command but from what I can make of it from the code all it looks like to me is remarks in the code so a script can quickly locate sections? If that's all it is you can easily do that and make it multi browser compatible by using
<!-- NewsContent -->
If I'm off track someone who knows this command feel free to correct me...but lets get this kind of creative constructive feedback instead of lame ass remarks. I can't find an email address for the webmaster anywhere on the site (tisk tisk) so I hope David or whomever is doing it reads this post...