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10 fps??? koz (2 replies, 0 views) (2001-May-2) hi
im kinda new to dx8..but it seems to be a lot slower than dx7 in terms of drawing 2d..
i have a simple function to draw tiles
For x = 0 To UBound(m.b, 1)
For y = 0 To UBound(m.b, 2)
InitSprite s, 32, 32, x * 32, y * 32, App.Path & "\m" & m.b(x, y) & ".bmp"
oD3DDevice.SetTexture 0, s.oD3DTexture
oD3DDevice.DrawPrimitiveUP D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, s.v(0), Len(s.v(0))
Next y
Next x
and this function seems to reduce my fps from 50+ to 10!!
is there anyway to speed things up