


Good solution for 3d mapeditors YellowSheep (6 replies, 0 views) (2000-Sep-29)
Well I thought about it and now I got a REALLY good way for doing it... I use Octrees (Just like Quadtrees but 3dimensional (cubes)) So I desiged to make it VERY object orianted.... what im meaning with that: Perhaps some of you know the picking routine of opengl (for opengl) form the redbook of SIG ... you can pick the objects that are 3ds. files... so I just have to drag n drop my map togehter... and in the engine for quick rendering ... use "ebenenberechnung" (german word) hmm perhaps it wasnt clear... use altavistatranslator for this german explation: Also ich verwende Octress, und der map-editor hat eine 3d ansicht (und eine links und forne ansicht) Jetzt geht man her baut sich seine objekte mit 3dmax und zieht diese in das 3d fenster. Dort verwendet man die Opengl Picking routine vom Red Book von SIG damit kann man die objekte anclicken und verschieben kann man sie dann in der oben links fron ansicht.. um die texturierung durchzuführen verwendet man ebenfalls die picking routine =) Hopefully this cleared up everything (I tried to use simple german for the translators!) perhaps you got a better idea so correct me if iam wrong =)

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RE: Good solution for 3d mapeditors Corre (5 replies) (2000-Sep-30)
You didnt uderstand me ! =) YellowSheep (4 replies) (2000-Sep-30)
RE: You didnt uderstand me ! =) Corre (3 replies) (2000-Sep-30)
hm *confused* YellowSheep (2 replies) (2000-Sep-30)
RE: hm *confused* Corre (1 reply) (2000-Sep-30)
thx... link for you might be good for you YellowSheep (0 replies) (2000-Oct-1)

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