


RE: DirectX 8 SDK Dark Angel (3 replies, 0 views) (2000-Sep-11)
WindowMe was put into production about 2 months ago and I do believe DX8 was still being tested. I suppose it could be in WindowsMe SE or WindowsME SP1 or some microsoft patch like that. Also the SDK usually come's out later then the actual version release (if that makes any sense) But hey as I usually say, I could and probably am wrong.

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One of the selling points is DirectX8... Jack Hoxley (2 replies) (2000-Sep-12)
RE: One of the selling points is DirectX8... Dark Angel (1 reply) (2000-Sep-12)
RE: One of the selling points is DirectX8... Jack Hoxley (0 replies) (2000-Sep-13)

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