


RE: 2D Graphic Adv Peter (8 replies, 0 views) (2000-Jul-11)
Well, I think you'll require a lot of animation for a GA =) Anyways, you shouldn't have too big problems coding the graphics part. You just need an easy way to draw the background and a few sprites. However, you should really create an incredibly easy to use and flexible animation class to handle all the animation in the game, so it doesn't turn into a nightmare. You'll also have to create a scripting part to create puzzles and stuff. David has some good scripting tutorials at his site: About the puzzles, I haven't done a GA before, but for the puzzles I would try making each item an object (class) with different properties. Then you could just script possible interactions between them based on that. HTH, there are some GA experts on this board who should be able to help you out more =) Peter DDCK: Myth of Creation A Mythical RTS

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sprites Gunar Liebig (7 replies) (2000-Jul-12)
RE: sprites Peter (3 replies) (2000-Jul-12)
RE: sprites Adam Hoult (2 replies) (2000-Jul-12)
RE: sprites Gunar Liebig (0 replies) (2000-Jul-12)
RE: sprites Peter (0 replies) (2000-Jul-12)
RE: sprites Michael Braitmaier (2 replies) (2000-Jul-12)
RE: sprites MrBoogerman (1 reply) (2000-Jul-12)
RE: sprites Michael Braitmaier (0 replies) (2000-Jul-13)

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