


Re: World Build - Dan (0 replies, 977 views) (2004-May-4)
Looking good, I was able to download and run the version compiled 3rd May 15:25 A couple of things I spotted whilst playing When creating a world the first pane didn't fill until I clicked it (This only happened the first time I ran it) - infact it is when another window covers it it doesn't repaint - I guess you are using a picturebox to display the contents. Try checking the autoredraw or adding refresh code to the form activate. (This applies to the mainwindow as well) I had to load up you website to check the instructions for use - Would be handy to have a small help screen that has those instructions listed - The idea of selecting zones and areas was alien to me at first but once figured it worked well Why not have the 'Base Tiles' Tool set selected by default - it is the only one in the list at the momment - but would save on clicks - for example - You click models but then have to also select models from the drop down - better to select the first item in the list (Plus ensure the first item in the list is the most often used) I found the 3d Cursor a pane to work with. Right clicking to enable/disable - It started to sink in after a while but it would have been nice if the engine cursor took over when the windows cursor moved in to the picturebox. I don't think the camera starts in a very good position, a view where the whole area could be seen may be better, or some sort of quick camera control - preset camera locations. I also managed to get the Camera stuck. I could pan in and out - and when I stopped panning the camera wold stay at it's new location , but when I rotated around (Using the left,right arrow keys), the camera would do as it's told until I released the key, The camera then sprang back to it's starting location Finally, Quiting - most users would be familiar with a file/exit menu option, I clicked the Stop button thinking it had somthing to do with the camera - my world ended :o I also can't believe the reported FPS of 134,000 which dropped to 119,000 when the camera was moving. You must let us know how you've achieved this (I only get max performance of 119fps from my 2D ISOTile system)

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