


DXGame Engine Status - dxgame (1 reply, 12738 views) (2006-Nov-19)
I've had a few emails the past month or so asking about the status of the DXGame Engine. Here's a quick update for those interested, DXG is very much alive!

Along with the server attacks the past few months (and lately an incredible amount of email spam), there has been both highs and lows in my life lately.

On the business end, there has been several negotiations with several publishers for up and coming projects, most have failed to deliver due to myself not wanting to give away the kitchen sink. ;) Plus the passing of me mum was a real shock as well.

Things are sslloowwllyy springing back to life on the DXG front. New source examples for the latest engine, an incredible DXG Game Scripting Language (designed by a 3rd party) , new forum, new games, etc, are all in the pipline. DXG for VB6 will stay FREE, the forum will stay FREE, (contrary to previous comments). Rock on......

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Re: DXGame Engine Status -  TheTuna (0 replies) (2007-Jan-15)

    Any news on the return of the Forum would be greatly appricaited.  I have a game I'm wanting to release but I have some issues with the latest dll and I need to discuss them before I can put the final touch on my game. 



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