


DaBooda Turbo 2DEngine v1.3 Demo - masterbooda (9 replies, 2797 views) (2004-Jun-13)
I decided to create another demo, showing off the features of the engine. Please download the following file and run it. You do not need the DLL for the demo is self contained... [url][/url] This demo isn't interactive like the previous one, it is more of a presentation. Please run it, and give your opinion on the engine. I am trying to get a feel for how the engine is coming along so far. Also if you are interested in the engine or wish to become a contributor, please feel free to visit the DaBooda Turbo Project Site. There you will find more information on the Engine, as well as Tutorials, HelpFile, and the .DLL. This engine is and will always remain freeware. [url]http//[/url] I thank you in advance for the support and your opinions.

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Re: DaBooda Turbo 2DEngine v1.3 Demo -  Lachlan87 (0 replies) (2004-Jun-13)
Re: DaBooda Turbo 2DEngine v1.3 Demo -  EACam (0 replies) (2004-Jun-13)
Automation error startup. Goodness. I guess my comp doesn't have the greatest adapter? Well, MY engine works on it...i dunno.
Re: DaBooda Turbo 2DEngine v1.3 Demo - anonymous (0 replies) (2004-Jun-14)
there should be licensing information about that engine on your homepage to make clear what one is allowed to do and what not. on your homepage you state that it is 100 % freeware, which imo means you can do what you like with the code. but in the very same sentence you make clear that one needs the agreement of every contributor to make a commercial game with your engine. right now that would be 6 persons! that's totally inacceptable. don't get me wrong. my current game is in VB and 2D, but it's allready >= 90% finished. it doesn't use your engine nor do i plan to. but you should consider placing your engine under free software license like the GPL to make things easier for users of your engine. (however GPL may scare some people away...)
At the fear of having to constantly defend myself on the permission aspect of this engine. I have removed the ask permission policy, and the engine is 100% license and permission free. You can use this engine for any commercial reasons without recieving permission from any author now, or in the future. You can print out every page of code, cover your body in maple syrup, paste the pages to you, and run through the streets yelling, "I'm a demented mummy!! Give me some candy!!"... It is completely up to you. But I ask only one thing, that you give some sort of credit to the engine, for this is only the ethical thing to do. And I Repeat, Permission is not needed nor is money... this is 100%Freeware... have fun. DaBooda out... p.s. For GPL, could you leave a link for it, or give some info on it, I have never heard of it, and I couldn't find it in Google. I am curious about it, as well as every 2D engine.
Re: DaBooda Turbo 2DEngine v1.3 Demo - anonymous (0 replies) (2004-Jun-14)
it's nice to see you turn your engine into a real free piece of software, but you should really invest some time to write up all permissions and restrictions that apply to your engine. the way you have it right now allows me or any other individual to take your code and redistribute it as their work! that's clearly not what you want. here's a list of free software licenses you might want to check (including the GPL): to make a long story short... the gpl makes your project open-source and allow everyone to use it freely as they see fit. however they are forced to release all software based on your software (e.g. a modified versions of the engine or games using the engine) under the terms of the very same license, which means all work derived from your work will be open source. that's why it may scare away some people...
Another license agreement you might want to consider is the BSD license. Although you might want to reconisder the "obnoxious" requirement of putting your name in any derivative software,
I am going to skip the licensing thing for the simple fact that I feel it will make people wary of the engine. And I want people to feel they can use this for any reason, hence getting rid of the silly permission thing, I was trying to promote more freeware. But the simple fact is, people should do what they wish with the code, and the contributors list is getting longer, and people know when they contribute, what the rules are. Call me naive, and I am, but I feel the majority of the vb community is honest. When I code something using someone elses code, I give them credit for it, as it should be. And if anybody feels the need to copy the source code and call it their own, a licensing agreement isn't really going to prevent that, or I will not be able to enforce it. For example music is licensed and copyrighted but how many people you know have .mp3 collections on their computer. Bootlegged Window's, games, etc.... More than likely people will copy the source and call it their own, but that is a chance I am willing to take, for I know that the original was developed by me, and that is what matters. I put many hours into this engine, and many more to come, and asking for a little credit for the engine isn't really a requirement, for it does not need to be done, just more or less a favor. It to me seems ethical, but I might be the only one to feel this way. DaBooda out...
Re: DaBooda Turbo 2DEngine v1.3 Demo -  VBBR (0 replies) (2004-Jun-14)
Really cool! Very nice work indeed! If I ever create a 2D game I'm sure I will use your engine!
Re: DaBooda Turbo 2DEngine v1.3 Demo -  Sr. Guapo (0 replies) (2004-Jun-14)
Looks really cool!! About EACam's error: That was the same error I got... Maybe you should try to download the new drivers for you Graphics card and try again. That was all mine needed from the beginning...

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