


X-Hex up for download - Codemonger (0 replies, 10 views) (2003-Jan-2)
X-Hex is ready for download, so visit the site and download the Full Trial version. Also we are giving away registered copies of X-Hex to individuals who can create an Artificial Intelligence Editor. Full details of how to begin will be up on the site very soon. It is pretty straight forward, you will have access to change the A.I. name, what A.I. type they will most likely resemble(attacker, defender, etc..), how they use weapons, and a couple of more secrets. You will be able to load and modify this information through a raw data file (text file, for easy editing). Also if you buy X-Hex and build an [url=""]AI editor[/url] (that works) we will reimburse you for your initial investment. Good luck, and enjoy !

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