


BomberMan VB v.7 Final Release - Alex Pineda (2 replies, 10 views) (2002-Nov-9)
BomberMan VB 0.7 has now been officially release and its official site is back up. It is, as many of you know, the last update to the game which I made a while back. However it never got released to any gaming sites or to the public in general. So now finally I can put it to rest and hope that people enjoy my (fun) hard work. Alex, Out.

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Re: BomberMan VB v.7 Final Release -  Lupin (0 replies) (2002-Nov-12)
the game crashed in an type-mismatch-error
Re: BomberMan VB v.7 Final Release - edgar (0 replies) (2002-Nov-15)
quiero saber como bajar un juego

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