


Help Wanted for Interactive Graphical MUD - Rob "Ninja" Ford (3 replies, 12 views) (2002-Aug-10)
I am looking for a few good men and women to help complete a modular, full-scale, 2-dimensional massively multiplayer world in which players can meet, interact, and explore. This is meant as an experiment in determining visual basic's ability to handle heavy network traffic and gameplay, and its modular design will allow for different graphic (WinGUI, DirectX, OpenGL?), audio, and network API's to be tested. Currently needed are programmers experienced in massively multiplayer network architecture, DirectDraw design, or audio coding, as well as artists of all types. There is currently no website, so those interested in maintaining such a site are welcome as well. If you're interested, please feel free to [url=""] email me[/url] or contact me on AOL Instant Messenger under "RMan3224."

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Re: Help Wanted for Interactive Graphical MUD - Jim Perry (0 replies) (2002-Aug-10)
Do you have any help currently? How about a plot? More info would be helpful.
Keep in mind that to truly test how well VB can handle an MMORPG, you're going to have to have a server. One that's fast, and one that doesn't get a lot of traffic from other sources. Server hosts normally share space, so you may have ten or more other sites on your server also getting traffic. In addition, your server will probably have to be Windows-based, which are more expensive than those using Unix-based systems. I'm not sure how well your program will work in a *nix Windows emulator... On top of that, you'll have to pay for bandwidth. If you aren't careful, you could end-up paying lots and lots of money. Bandwidth costs get very high, very quickly. The saddest thing is that making an MMORPG is that if the server dies, the game does too. If you can no longer afford to run the game, then it's history. This is why MMORPGs are run by huge companies that charge monthly fees for you to play. It's mondo expensive to run these games. Actually building the game is half the battle. Maybe you know all this already and have it taken care of, but the mention of not even having a site yet brings-up a red flag in my mind. If you do make the game, will you give it the ability to set up a server on a user's computer, or will it have to run on a master server? If you have it where users can host their own games, then I'm all for it. But MMORPGs are a real monster, so you'll have to be at the top of your game to be successful in this endeavor.
Sounds interesting... I have only done a few multiplayer apps, both P2P and C/S models. I have recently been reading, studying and playing with some advanced multiplayer coding tricks. I think I am good in the area's of multiplayer and AI code. I can do almost anything as far as 2D graphics and sound. Alpha blending, multi-layering, collision detection, etc... as for sound I can play WAV's, MP3's, etc... I have 2 friends who might also be interested, one of them is an incredible artist, and the other is an incredible musician (he has about every music editing program ever made, and he does it all from scratch(doesn't use pre-made loops) I would like to know some more information on this game, do you have a rough design doc?

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