The Property Bag
If you've ever made a user control, you will probably know that a property bag is, because that's where it's used the most.
a property bag is a virtuel container that can store almost any type of
value. All infomation in the property bag is stored in Visual Basic's
Variant-format. This allows for the user, that would be you, to
add data to the property bag, and not worry about what kind of data it
is. Be warned though, because the Variant-format can store any
kind of data, you must carefully handle how you read the value that
you've stored. You don't want to accidently try and sqeeze a
picture-file into a Integer-variable.
Variant-format is also the slowest variable-type due to its
non-restrictive nature, but in most cases we only need to extract or
store the values a few times during the programs execution so that
won't be a problem.