The Royalty Free Graphics Collection. 4/28/2002 | Posted by: Joshua Hi all...
Everyone here at some time or another, Im sure. Has tried to make a 2D Tilebased RPG or something similar.
But for the lone developer obtaining good graphics, characters, sprites, tiles or anything is a nightmare. And after purchasing spriteworks spritelab and not being extremly impressed.
I propose "The Royalty Free Graphics Collection" lets pool our resources. Dig up that old tileset for that game you where trying to make last year that you have sitting on your harddrive and lets make a collection of graphics that can be avalible to anyone for absolutly no cost what-so-ever.
I know everyone is paranoid about others stealing their code or graphics. But realisticly how many of us are going to release anything to the public anyway. We might as well make it easy for those who do.
Im compiling the collection now and it will forever be open to new submissions.
My website will be up within a few weeks with the first edition of the Graphics library avalible for download.
So tell me what you think. If you would like to submit your old art then email it to me. I'll put you in the thank you and credits.
Let's see how many grass tiles we can get
Tell me what you think guys!