Custom Resource Files Using Property Bags
Anders Nissen
Copyright Oct 11, 2004
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Have you ever wondered where the
icons, pictures, cursors etc. from your forms are stored when Visual
Basic isn't open? They are stored in form's .frx-file. All the
infomation is stored in binary format using a method called property
bags, and you can also use this extremely simple interface to store and
extract multiple sources of data.
Text, numbers, boolean
values, icons, pictures, fonts - you name it, it can handle them all!
It's almost too simple, just read ahead.
The Property Bag
If you've ever made a user control, you will probably know that a property bag is, because that's where it's used the most.
a property bag is a virtuel container that can store almost any type of
value. All infomation in the property bag is stored in Visual Basic's
Variant-format. This allows for the user, that would be you, to
add data to the property bag, and not worry about what kind of data it
is. Be warned though, because the Variant-format can store any
kind of data, you must carefully handle how you read the value that
you've stored. You don't want to accidently try and sqeeze a
picture-file into a Integer-variable.
Variant-format is also the slowest variable-type due to its
non-restrictive nature, but in most cases we only need to extract or
store the values a few times during the programs execution so that
won't be a problem.
Storing And Extracting Data From A Property Bag
do anything involving a property bag, you need to first create a
property bag object. The following code creates a new instance of a
property bag, with the name objBag.
- Dim objBag As New PropertyBag
Not hard, huh? The property bag is part of the Visual Basic IDE so you don't even need a reference to it.
As with all instances of object, always remember to destroy the object, once you're done with it.
so prevents those nasty memory leaks. But we don't want to destroy our
property bag object just yet - we need to use it first!
Storing data in our property bag would be done like so:
- objBag.WriteProperty [Name ID], [Value], [Default Value]
- ' Example:
- objBag.WriteProperty "Str", "A string"
we're storing the string "A string" in the property bag using the
string "Str" to tag it. We use that tag when we will extract data from
the property bag. Here is how to read the written value.
- objBag.ReadProperty [Name ID], [Default Value]
- ' Example:
- Dim Str as String
- Str = objBag.ReadProperty "Str", "There is no value stored in the property bag"
that you would store the property bag data in incompatible varible type
without getting a compile-error, but first getting an error at run-time.
Saving And Reading A Property Bag From Disk
data in a property bag internally at runtime could probably be useful
on some occations, but what we're interested in is saving the data
while the application is closed. Just like the .frx-files store the
forms non-text contents when the project isn't opened.
Saving a property bag to disk can be done as the following method demonstrates:
- Private Sub SaveContents(Contents As Variant, FilePath As String)
- Dim FileNum As Integer
- FileNum = FileSystem.FreeFile()
- Open FilePath For Binary As FileNum
- Put #FileNum, , Contents
- Close FileNum
- End Sub
The method would be called in the following manner:
- Dim objBag As New PropertyBag
- With objBag
- .WriteProperty "Str", "A string"
- SaveContents .Contents, App.Path & "Things.bag"
- End With
- Set objBag = Nothing
Where objBag.Contents is all the data that the property bag stores, all packed into one messy Variant-variable.
Now we're got the property bag saved to disk - great! But we still need to be able to read it again, and here's how to do that:
- Private Function LoadContents(FilePath As String) As Variant
- Dim FileNum As Integer
- Dim tempContents As Variant
- FileNum = FileSystem.FreeFile()
- Open FilePath For Binary As FileNum
- Get #FileNum, , tempContents
- Close FileNum
- LoadContents = tempContents
- End Function
The method would be called in the following manner:
- Dim objBag As New PropertyBag
- With objBag
- .Contents = LoadContents(App.Path & "Things.bag")
- Dim Str as String
- Str = objBag.ReadProperty "Str", "There is no value stored in the property bag"
- End With
- Set objBag = Nothing
That's really all there is to it!
can, as mentioned, also store pictures, fonts, etc.. This without even
changing the way you assign the data to the propertybag. Normally you
would use Set [Object] = [Object], but you don't have to,
because it of the way it's stored, so the object-files are just handled
as Variant-type data.
But to extract object-data, such as
picture-files, you need to use the Set ... =-syntax. Examine the
example project to see how this is done.
bags let you store all kinds of data in a very simple and painless
fasion. It's very usefull for applications where "real" custom resource
files would be overkill. If you want to be able to store and retrive
data from inside Class-objects, then take a look at the extended
property bag class, which can be found here:
A very simple example project using the techniques explained in this tutorial can be found here.
Tutorial written by Anders "Sion" Nissen, 11th October 2004.