Comments on News Page
BrykovianI no longer see a link for comments on each of the items on the News page ... is this a planned part of the site update? Or am I the only one who doesn't see them? -Bryk
SionNo, you're not the only one - they have been removed. Strange, I hadn't noticed that before. The comments must have been removed on purpose, though I cannot quite understand why.
Eric ColemanI removed the links yesterday. I'm updating the comment system with the threaded forum I created for use with the Code Bin and Project Bin. I don't see you on MSN, so just send me an email or something if you want to see the current status.
Originally posted by Eric Coleman
I removed the links yesterday. I'm updating the comment system with the threaded forum I created for use with the Code Bin and Project Bin.
Good enough for me, man! [:D] -Bryk
Eric Colemanok, I put the comments back on the main page.
VBBRThe new system seems great. [:D] Edit: The "Back to News" link in the comments page isn't working. (it looks for a "news.asp" page, which doesn't exist. Maybe this is part of the "moving to the new system" process...?) Another edit: Hey, am I wrong or is the website width set to 800 instead of 1024? Won't this screw up the pretended organization? Couldn't there be a link or a button or an options page where each user could adjust the width to his personal preference? I think that would be great. (man, am I annoying or what...)
Eric ColemanYes, the site is setup for a width of 800 pixels instead of 1024. I suppose I could configure the width as an option that could be saved in a cookie.
SionIt new comments system is looking great! However, it's very small (both in width and in text size) when running in 1600x1200. Also the commands such as [dot] etc. isn't displayed correctly. Looking forward to version 2 of the entire site.
Eric ColemanI made the message text a little larger, so it should be easier to read. Let me know what you think.
SionMuch better! And I see that you've fixed the forum codes as well! Good job, now all this site needs is... news.
VBBRSeems we're not able to post the first comment... some ADODB error. Just checked with the new post.
ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd' Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record. /forum/topic.asp, line 172
I do not now much about ADODB or ASP but it seems the code is looking for at least one comment to display but of course it can't because there aren't any.
Eric ColemanThanks for pointing that out for me.
Eric ColemanAn XML error occured when it was posted and the news posting script never finished executing, so the comment entry in the database wasn't ever created.
VBBRNot related to the comments, but I just noticed the top bar (in 2.0) is brown now, why was it changed?
Eric ColemanActually, it was supposed to be orange :-) The different color just makes the menu easier to see instead of having it blend in with the rest of the site. [url=" Coleman/200484164212_vbgamer.jpg"]screenshot 58.94 KB[/url]
VBBRThanks for clarifying. I see you have set the width back to 1024, thanks for that too. If it wouldn't it be to ask too much, could you put back the big logo for the big page? I just think it looks better than the small. [:D]
SionWow, the new website looks really really good judging by the screenshot! Good job Eric, I hope we get to see the new version soon [:P] BTW, I agree with VBBR - the big animated logo looks much better than the small one. From the layout in the screenshot there seems to be plenty of room at the top for the larger logo [:)]
Lachlan87I just noticed that one of the panels at the top is blank in Opera 7.53, FireFox 0.9 and IE 6. Is that by design, or is the page displaying incorrectly for me? [url][/url]
Eric ColemanThat's by design. That section is a place holder for stuff that I'm working on at the moment, and hopefully I'll have at least one of the planned items finished for that section real soon.
VBBR...and I assume those are the bins. I'm really looking forward to them.
SionWhile we're discussing version two of VBGamer I wanted to add that the filters in the Big Huge Game List dosn't work... most of the time.
VBBRStrange, they seem to work fine for me. What browser do you use?
Eric Coleman
Originally posted by Sion <br>While we're discussing version two of VBGamer I wanted to add that the filters in the Big Huge Game List dosn't work... most of the time.
I see what you mean. If you set a filter and then go to a different page, then the filter gets reset. Edit: Fixed!