Well I'm from USA so I have never seen this show or even heard of it, but for the questions a good way would be to have them in a seperate txt/ini file and then the program could read it from there. That way you could edit the questions even after you compile the game. Now I'm not very good with just a regular txt file but I could do this very easily with an ini(configuration) file. I could look like this:
1=What is an apple?
2=What is an orange?
3=What is a banana?
4=What is a potato?
Then you would need this funtion to read from the file:
Public Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString& Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal AppName$, ByVal KeyName$, ByVal keydefault$, ByVal ReturnedString$, ByVal RSSize&, ByVal FileName$)
Public Function ReadINI(INISection As String, INIKey As String, INIFile As String) As String
Dim StringBuffer As String
Dim StringBufferSize As Long
StringBuffer = Space$(255)
StringBufferSize = Len(StringBuffer)
StringBufferSize = GetPrivateProfileString(INISection, INIKey, "", StringBuffer, StringBufferSize, INIFile)
If StringBufferSize > 0 Then
ReadINI = Left$(StringBuffer, StringBufferSize)
ReadINI = ""
End If
End Function
Then you could have the program read the questions into a string array. The last argument of readini would be the path of the ini file and you could change it to whatever you name the file as. I hope this answers you question for the questions.
dim question(4) as String
dim i as long
for i = 1 to readini("Questions", "Total", app.path & "\Questions.ini")
question(i) = readini("Questions", str(i), app.path & "\Questions.ini")
next i