For those that aren't using a browser listed in the current poll on the main page, please list your browser and reasons why you're using it.
I'm conducting this poll because I recently noticed that the new forum I've been working on doesn't display properly in IE 5.
Considering the vast amount of bugs in the old browsers, I need you to give me a good reason why I should be worried about supporting the ancient browsers when there are plenty of decent FREE browsers available.
If you're using Netscape 4.X, then I'm sure it's apparent from the way this website looks that you're not getting the full experience. I have a difficult time wondering why someone would still be using this web browser. Considering the Mozilla suite and Firefox, you do have options available to you. Why haven't you switched?
the only reason i can think of for someone using a legacy browser (and i dont), is if they're on a very low-end system, or in an old OS (ex. win95), newer software often strains resources more... firefox is currently using almost 20mb of memory.. not alot in todays systems AT ALL.. but in 1998, systems with 64mb or even 32mb of ram weren't uncommon.
I know I still have an old x486 machine lying around as a network slave of sorts. lol.