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617 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2004 :  3:04:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was just wondering, would it be OK for me to create a thread for my current project, like masterbooda did for his engine? So users can be updated with the development status and post commens, suggestions, etc. Also it would be good if I could release some small tech demos here.

Whatever. Who knows...

Eric Coleman

811 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2004 :  5:08:58 PM  Show Profile  Visit Eric Coleman's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I'm not sure why you are asking. This is a vb game programming website.

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617 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2004 :  6:45:03 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks! So, from now on, this will be officially "The VB Adventure Maker Thread" !

Whatever. Who knows...
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617 Posts

Posted - Jul 01 2004 :  4:45:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
First, here is the installer for the Revolution3D Engine runtime files (one will need this to be able to execute the program and games created).

Download it here

Now for the development status. In the proccess of developing the runtime module I kinda accidentally created a rather stupid 3D maze game. So, if you like to be running around a confusing maze, this could be kinda fun to you.

Get the maze game from the link above. The controls are as follows:
- Arrow keys: move
- ESC: exit
A default map comes with the game. You can create your own by editing the map.txt file inside the DATA directory. The map can have up to 100x100 tiles in size. While editing the map, use the characters as follows:
- X or x: wall
- . (dot): floor
- blank space or whatever other character you put there: will display nothing
The player ALWAYS starts at position 2,2 and is looking downwards.

NOTE: The game may take a little while to load depending on the speed of your computer; please wait a little before considering a crash. Also it takes some time to release everything when it's shutting itself down.

Please test/play this mini-game and tell me what do you think of it. If you experience any problems with either the R3D setup package or the game itself, please let me know.

Whatever. Who knows...

Edited by - VBBR on Jul 30 2004 5:15:10 PM
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83 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2004 :  09:07:11 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
oww man!! I was really getting kind of interested in this project until you posted you use someone else's engine!!!! I thought it was going to be a VB exclusive project? Wass up?? Get rid of the external engine and code it in 100% VB!!! THAT would be cool!
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617 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2004 :  10:27:32 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, I guess it would, but it's the FIRST game/program I ever create in 3D... so I tought it would be better to use a ready-made engine (and that's not a shame at all--Revolution3D is a great engine and the majority of its users are VB coders; in fact the earlier versions of R3D were coded in VB, but then switched to C++ for an increase in speed (and possibility of using DirectX9 unmanaged).

Now let me clarify something: Revoluton3D is a graphics engine, all it does is the rendering part. It is not a game engine. This I'm coding myself, in VB. Revolution3D is not an engine designed for games specifically, is only deals with graphics and DirectX stuff, more like a DirectX wrapper. I don't consider a shame to use someone else's rendering engine ('cause rendering engines out there are pretty much the same)

Whatever. Who knows...
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Eric Coleman

811 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2004 :  9:00:00 PM  Show Profile  Visit Eric Coleman's Homepage  Reply with Quote
using other people's graphic's engine's are probably the ONLY way to create a real 3D game in VB. It's not that VB can't do it, but there is just so much work involved to create the engine and the game, it's best to just use an already made engine and then start work on the game. There is also the "Truevision" engine, but it's really just a directx wrapper, not a graphics engine. And there is also Genesis 3D, which seems like a really nice 3D engine. The screenshots look pretty cool.

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617 Posts

Posted - Jul 03 2004 :  06:51:41 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've looked at Genesis3D and Truevision, but I prefer to stick with Revolution3D because it's free even for commercial use. All it requires is an R3D logo displayed for 3 seconds inside your app.

I also think screenshots depend more on the author of the app than the engine itself. (BTW, from the next version on R3D will support Pixel and Vertex Shaders )

Whatever. Who knows...

Edited by - VBBR on Jul 04 2004 3:57:41 PM
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617 Posts

Posted - Jul 04 2004 :  3:57:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So here am I again.

Development of the runtime module is going very, very well.
Development of the editor is completely ZERO. At the present time I'm defining the game information and maps in INI and TXT files.

But it is starting to grow larger and larger and I feel it's the time to create the editor and a binary file format. I have no problem with the format, but I do with the editor.

I'm just too stupid at designing GUIs. Like:
- One program for everything or one for each module like models/maps/general/etc?
- MDI or SDI?
- Menus? Toolbars? Plain buttons?

So if one of you could help I would gladly appreciate. Here is the information I have to create/store:
- Game info (name, author, description)
- Models info (name, file name and format)
- Textures info (name and file name)
- Areas info (see below)
- Maos info (see below)

Let me explain the Areas and Maps stuff. All of the game 'maps' are subdivided into several 'areas', which means, when we go from one area to another, it loads specific models and textures that are used in that particular area (thus minimizing the 'map' loading time). So each area must store this information:
- Models that are used in that area (model ID, texture, rotation, solid-yes/no)
- Textures that are used in that area (just the ID referencing to the main textures database)
- Skyboxes list (each skybox has the following attributes: Texture and auto-rotation for the 3 axes)
- Maps list (just the ID referencing to the map file)

Each area is stored in a file like area0001.dat. So do maps (map0001.dat). The models database is stored in a models.dat file and the textures database in a textures.dat file. General game info is stored in the game.dat file.

Thanks in advance for any help at all. (and for your patience in reading all this!)

Whatever. Who knows...
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192 Posts

Posted - Jul 05 2004 :  3:46:25 PM  Show Profile  Visit Almar's Homepage  Send Almar an ICQ Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Eric Coleman

using other people's graphic's engine's are probably the ONLY way to create a real 3D game in VB. It's not that VB can't do it, but there is just so much work involved to create the engine and the game, it's best to just use an already made engine and then start work on the game. There is also the "Truevision" engine, but it's really just a directx wrapper, not a graphics engine. And there is also Genesis 3D, which seems like a really nice 3D engine. The screenshots look pretty cool.

Truevision has quite envolved a bit though, I think it's a bit more than just a wrapper these days :)
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118 Posts

Posted - Jul 05 2004 :  4:51:03 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Scorpion_Blood's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
i c that truevision is by some nice "made in vb" 3d games! look here what a found >> awsome game using truevision and made in VB also :)
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138 Posts

Posted - Jul 05 2004 :  5:11:31 PM  Show Profile  Visit Sion's Homepage  Click to see Sion's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by VBBR

I'm just too stupid at designing GUIs. Like:
- One program for everything or one for each module like models/maps/general/etc?
- MDI or SDI?
- Menus? Toolbars? Plain buttons?

Well, I guess there's not a single correct answer to that question. It very much depends on your game (...maker), and how you want to structure it. Is it only ment to be used by programmers and/or contest developers or should lesser individual be able to use it as well?

In any case, I think you should go with the a mix of MDI and SDI. An editor like Starcraft's Campaign Editor is a very good example. It's clean, user friendly and easy to find your way around in. It uses an MDI form for the map editing and basicly SDI for everything else. Something to note (which almost all modern editors have in common) is the use of side bars and menu bars to provides more user friendly and efficiant access to some of the most used functions. The menus also contain the functions of the bars, but are used mainly for more advanced options.
The sidebar should hold many different types of items depending on what your maps etc. has to have of infomation. Each type should have it's own page on the sidebar.
When editing any infomation or when given any changable options a SDI interface should be used. This is also very common. Think of the Trigger-page of the Starcraft editor for instance. It makes it possible to create cleaner and more specialized forms. These forms should have plain buttons of couse :)
On the MDI form a right-click function is an absolute must. This also provides more rappid access to key functions. All in all, take a look at some on the editors on the marked - they will provide you with a good idea of how to design your editor. After all, they where created by industry professional who get paid to make editors etc. as best and useful as they can possible be.

Whether you should make a single program to handle all your game contest or make multiple programs depends very much on your target group and the similairty of the data. If everybody should be able to use your app. then yes, everything should be collected in a single program. This is done in the Neverwinter Nights editor "Auora" for instance.
But be careful not to combine things that have nothing in common. In the NWN editor everything you could change were somehow connected in menus, options etc.. For instance, if you wanted to change to appearance of your character you entered the charaters profile via the charaters right-click menu from the map-view. But it you wanted to make a new charater figure from stratch you had to open up 3D Studio Max or a different 3D mesh program. Remember to restrict the number of things you'll include in your editor and don't give the user 100% complete control over everything (not at first at least) or you will suffocate in skyrockting coding complexity.

Wow, so much written and still so little said... hope some of it gave you a few design ideas. Good luck on the editor! :)

Visit my personal blog at!
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617 Posts

Posted - Jul 05 2004 :  7:21:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks a lot, this really lightened a lamp inside my head. I'm starting to design the editor in my mind right now...

Just one thing more: for the Map Editor... should I make it:
- 3D, with a view like the in-game (mouse picking of course)
- 2D, like a top-down view of the map using "dummy" tiles, like an ugly icon for each object
Please consider here the ease of use AND the ease of programming

Whatever. Who knows...
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Sr. Guapo

272 Posts

Posted - Jul 05 2004 :  10:33:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Both. You could have the actual editor as a 2D top-down thing, then have a way to view the level in 3D. This can either be a seperate window (like 3D modeler), or a "Render" button the user can press.That would combine the ease of programming, with the abilty to render 3D graphics.
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160 Posts

Posted - Jul 06 2004 :  10:26:35 AM  Show Profile  Visit sdw's Homepage  Click to see sdw's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Make whichever you think would be easier. That way there's a better chance you'll get it done.
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617 Posts

Posted - Jul 06 2004 :  10:48:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think I will go with Sr. Guapo's suggestion. It fits perfectly because I already have a split-screen design for the program in my head.
(and just render, rotate and zoom the map sounds very easy to do)

Whatever. Who knows...
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