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 Vertex Buffer -> Mesh
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Sr. Guapo

272 Posts

Posted - Jun 13 2004 :  1:21:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Okay, I am making a simple terrain heightmap generator for my game. What I need to do is create a mesh file givin the heightmap.

I can create the vertex buffer in a nested loop, but is there a way to convert a vertex buffer to a mesh? I have tried everything, and I looked for two hours on MSDN, but I didn't see anything like what I want to do.

My other option is to create the terrain in Milkshape (it can make a heightmapped terrain) and export it to an X-file. However, I would still need to create a data file containing the height at all the various points.

I would appreciate any suggestions/comments... thanks


Saudi Arabia
83 Posts

Posted - Jun 13 2004 :  4:04:49 PM  Show Profile  Visit game_maker's Homepage  Reply with Quote

Why do work with vertex buffer ? is it must or optional ?

//////// 1 : creating a mesh file

I made an external program to convert form height map to file named .scp ,,, it contains the following informations :

landsize ( controls the size of the land )

and after having landsize => computing the the height file

NumVertex = (2 * (LandSize ^ 2)) + (2 * LandSize) - 1  
NumTraingle = NumVertex - 2  
ReDim H(LandSize, LandSize)  
For I = 0 To LandSize  
  For I2 = 0 To LandSize  
     H(I2, I) = Form1.Picture2.Point(I2 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, I * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY) \ 65536  
  Next I2  
Next I  

then - saving it

////// 2 : loading the mesh file

I saprate the whole mesh into verticle slices

Public Function Scape_Create(xPath As String, Optional xHeight As Single = 10, Optional ScaleX As Single = 1, Optional ScaleZ As Single = 1) As Long
  Dim X As Long
  Dim Y     As Long
  Dim xH    As Single
  Dim DestY As Long
  Dim VN    As D3DVECTOR  
With Scape_Prop(Scape_Count)  
  Open xPath For Binary As #95  
      Get #95, , .YCredit  
      Get #95, , .LandSize  
      Get #95, , .NumVertex  
      Get #95, , .NumTraingle  
    ReDim .H(.LandSize, .LandSize)  
      Get #95, , .H  
  Close #95  
    ReDim .V(.NumVertex / .LandSize, .NumVertex / .LandSize)  
    .ScaleX = ScaleX  
    .ScaleZ = ScaleZ  
End With
  For Y = 0 To Scape_Prop(Scape_Count).LandSize - 1  
    For X = 0 To (Scape_Prop(Scape_Count).LandSize * 2) + 1  
     With Scape_Prop(Scape_Count).V(X, Y)  
       DestY = IIf(X Mod 2 = 0, 0, 1)  
         xH = xHeight * Scape_Prop(Scape_Count).H(X \ 2, Y + DestY)  
        .X = (X \ 2) * Scape_Prop(Scape_Count).ScaleZ  
        .Y = xH / 256  
        .Z = (Y + DestY) * Scape_Prop(Scape_Count).ScaleZ  
          .Tu1 = .X / (Scape_Prop(Scape_Count).LandSize * Scape_Prop(Scape_Count).ScaleX)  
          .Tv1 = .Z / (Scape_Prop(Scape_Count).LandSize * Scape_Prop(Scape_Count).ScaleZ)  
          .Tu2 = .Tu1  
          .Tv2 = .Tv1  
    End With
   Next X  
  Next Y  
  For Y = 0 To Scape_Prop(Scape_Count).LandSize - 1  
    For X = 0 To ((Scape_Prop(Scape_Count).LandSize * 2) + 1) \ 3 - 3  
     With Scape_Prop(Scape_Count)  
       If X Mod 2 = 0 Then
         VN = GenerateTriangleNormals(.V(X * 3, Y), .V(X * 3 + 1, Y), .V(X * 3 + 2, Y))  
         VN = GenerateTriangleNormals(.V(X * 3 + 2, Y), .V(X * 3 + 1, Y), .V(X * 3, Y))  
       End If
            .V(X * 3, Y).Nx = VN.X: .V(X * 3, Y).Ny = VN.Y: .V(X * 3, Y).Nz = VN.Z  
            .V(X * 3 + 1, Y).Nx = VN.X: .V(X * 3 + 1, Y).Ny = VN.Y: .V(X * 3 + 1, Y).Nz = VN.Z  
            .V(X * 3 + 2, Y).Nx = VN.X: .V(X * 3 + 2, Y).Ny = VN.Y: .V(X * 3 + 2, Y).Nz = VN.Z  
    End With
   Next X  
  Next Y  
End Function

///////// 3 : Rendering

         For I2 = 0 To .LandSize  
            D3DDevice.DrawPrimitiveUP D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, .LandSize * 2, .V(0, I2), Len(.V(0, I2))  
         Next I2  

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Edited by - game_maker on Jun 13 2004 4:10:06 PM
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Sr. Guapo

272 Posts

Posted - Jun 13 2004 :  11:37:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Okay, I will try something like that... Right now, I have it so that I create the heightmap myself externally (PSP), then I create an x-file with the terrain in Milkshape using the heightmap. I then load both the mesh and heightmap into the game, and I use both to determine the height at a given location. It works (sorta...) but it is very confusing, so I wanted to make it a little more readable...

Edited by - Sr. Guapo on Jun 13 2004 11:38:26 PM
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Saudi Arabia
83 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2004 :  12:19:29 AM  Show Profile  Visit game_maker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
You need to access to (4) points in your terrain to determine the Y component you standing on,,, so x-files is not a good choise (I think)

you can use 3DSMax to built your tarrain and then save it as 3ds then reading it but even this is a bad choise

you need to write your own mesh-file and reading it

I will try to write an example for this ...
and there are some examples in planet-source-code (not that good)

Edited by - game_maker on Jun 14 2004 12:21:47 AM
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Sr. Guapo

272 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2004 :  11:58:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would love to use 3DSMax, except it costs more than $500... I want to write my own heightmap parser, so all I do is create the heightmap, then the game can make the map, however, this is aparently more difficult than I thought...
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277 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2004 :  2:35:48 PM  Show Profile  Visit masterbooda's Homepage  Reply with Quote
No kidding, that 3dstudio max is expensive, but it is the only 3d editor I will use... nothing has comapared to it, not even maya.... think god my brother inlaw owns nothing...

oh and about the mesh thing, a lot of this post is over my head, but aren't all files just little ones and zeros... maybe you can find a way to interpret the file yourself and create it from that... And of course you can find file conversions for 3d files of nearly every type on line and free..

I noticed you where using an heightmap file... I know this isn't very accurate, but couldn't you take sort of an average of how far from the x and y the position the man is take the 4 colors and find an average mean... I am probably babbling and making no sense... sorry...

| |
| o |

Crude I know, but the o is where the dude or character is at, now take the color from the heightmap's four colors (1pixel apart)... and average a mean to the character and that is your height... but I am probably making an easy situation worse...

DaBooda out...

DaBooda Team is back:
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Sr. Guapo

272 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2004 :  2:59:03 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That is what I am trying to do. I send the x and z coordinates to a function, GetHeight():

    Public Function getHeight(ByVal x As Single, ByVal z As Single) As Single
        If x < 0 Or x > size - 1 Or z < 0 Or z > size - 1 Then
            Return (0.0)  
            tmpDecX = x - (x \ 1)  
            tmpDecZ = z - (z \ 1)  
            tmpH1 = height(x \ 1, z \ 1)  
            tmpH2 = height(x \ 1 + 1, z \ 1 + 1)  
            tmpDiff = tmpH2 - tmpH1  
            tmpDist = Math.Sqrt(tmpDecX * tmpDecX + tmpDecZ * tmpDecZ)  
            Return (tmpDiff * tmpDist + tmpH1)  
        End If
    End Function

Sorry if the code is a little unreadable, I wrote this very late at night... Anyway, I could have made this a one line return statement, but I think it is faster to break things up like this (correct me if I'm wrong). It is still very jerky, like I will be walking along at a certain height, then fly up/down all of a sudden. I thought this function would fix it, but aparently not...

Edited by - Sr. Guapo on Jun 14 2004 4:54:13 PM
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Saudi Arabia
83 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2004 :  5:58:04 PM  Show Profile  Visit game_maker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
you are working with 2 points right ?

1 - (x,,z)
2 - (x+1,,z+1)

that's the only problem ,,, you should work with 4 points becouse each one of the for point's effect in our Y aren't they ?

1 - (x,y1,z)
2 - (x+1,y2,z)
3 - (x,y3,z+1)
4- (x+1,y4,z+1)

and I use equation of Line (y = mx * b) same as you did

I just design it in 3DSmax

Ok ,,, now we have four points and a point (xd,,zd) and we wan't to find yd

simply we create 2 lines (you can find the line if you have to points or one point and slope)

we have 4 point so we can create (3*2*1) = 6 lines

we only need 2 lines ,,,,,,, so

we pick point 1 and 2 to make a line1 ,,, and pick 3 and 4 to make line2

then we find y1 and y2

y1 ,y2 : the y value of line1 and line2 when x = xd

then we find y3

thats it

notice :

to find y1 :
m = ((P2.Y - P1.Y) / (P2.X - P1.X))
xd = (X - P2.X)
b = P2.Y
y1 = m * xd + b

    Public Function getHeight(ByVal x As Single, ByVal z As Single) As Single
        If x < 0 Or x > size - 1 Or z < 0 Or z > size - 1 Then
            Return (0.0)  
         Y1 = ((P2.Y - P1.Y) / (P2.X - P1.X)) * (X - P2.X) + P2.Y  
         Y2 = ((P4.Y - P3.Y) / (P4.X - P3.X)) * (X - P4.X) + P4.Y  
            Return (((Y2 - Y1) / (P4.Z - P1.Z)) * (Z - P4.Z) + Y2)  
        End If
    End Function

there is other math method :

you can use equation of plane (you have tocheck what is the plane your character standing on then substitute to find y3

Edited by - game_maker on Jun 14 2004 6:02:23 PM
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Sr. Guapo

272 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2004 :  6:43:08 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
OK, I implemented that function... It just did the same thing as the previous version (though it is more accurate). It is still very jerky like described above...

I want to be able to make my own Vertex Buffer to store the vertices, that is what I need help with.
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Saudi Arabia
83 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2004 :  8:26:53 PM  Show Profile  Visit game_maker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
it's smooth really ,,, the problem from choosing your points I guess

OK ,, I just wrote a small example for you

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Saudi Arabia
83 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2004 :  8:39:09 PM  Show Profile  Visit game_maker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
and here how to create terrain files

Download Attachment:
31 KB

best regards

Edited by - game_maker on Jun 14 2004 8:43:12 PM
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Sr. Guapo

272 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2004 :  11:28:32 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you very much . I will try and incorporate some of that into my game.

I just have one question. What is the YCredit variable for in the file? It seems you save a huge arbitrary number stored in it (423107387), then do nothing with the number when it is loaded...
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Sr. Guapo

272 Posts

Posted - Jun 15 2004 :  12:22:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sorry... I get an error when I am trying to load a binary in .NET... It occurs when I try to redim the H() variable in this set of code:

        FileOpen(95, path, OpenMode.Binary)  
        FileGet(95, yCredit)  
        FileGet(95, LandSize)  
        FileGet(95, nVertex)  
        FileGet(95, nTriangle)  
        ReDim H(LandSize, LandSize)  
        FileGet(95, H)  

aparently, LandSize comes out as some HUGE number (86,745,454,497,511: 86 trillion). I assume .NET must do something different than VB6, because the code is almost identical. I am very unknowledgable about file I/O in VB, so any help is appreciated...

Edited by - Sr. Guapo on Jun 15 2004 12:31:37 AM
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Saudi Arabia
83 Posts

Posted - Jun 15 2004 :  02:49:01 AM  Show Profile  Visit game_maker's Homepage  Reply with Quote

423107387 this is just YazeedCredit (My ID number) ,, I saw Quake did it in md2 and I made the same

if YCredit <> 423107387 then exit sub

that's the idea behind Credits (protect your files) but I didn't wrote this condition in all of my files (i.e. I make No sence)

about the error :

in VB.Net change all Long Variable Types to Integer

Edited by - game_maker on Jun 15 2004 2:40:35 PM
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Sr. Guapo

272 Posts

Posted - Jun 15 2004 :  10:52:48 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
OK, I figured YCredit was something like that... . I just wanted to make sure it wasn't an important variable. That is a good idea, I should probably do that if I ever plan to make a real game.

The error: Yes, the file loads now. Out of curiousity, why is that? A long should be that, a long integer, so anything an integer can hold, a long can...

Edited by - Sr. Guapo on Jun 15 2004 10:53:14 AM
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Eric Coleman

811 Posts

Posted - Jun 15 2004 :  12:41:30 PM  Show Profile  Visit Eric Coleman's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Generally that "LONG" number translates to 4 letters (4 bytes). For example, I use the number 1128811092 ("TJHC") as the first four bytes in an archive file that I created so that I can recognize the file as being something that I created. If you look at, you'll find a lot of file formats do this. Gif, bmp, zip, etc, all have an ID number at the very beginning.
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