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United Kingdom
29 Posts

Posted - May 14 2004 :  08:41:54 AM  Show Profile  Visit Dan's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I see the makings of a good looking 3D game.

I like your idea of a detective puzzler - Have you played discworld noir - fairly old game and very bizzare puzzles but has some very good ideas - like the interactive notepad of evidence gathered which you can use when questioning others. and the way you can choose which location to visit from the city map - although areas only get opened up as you progress your cases.

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617 Posts

Posted - May 14 2004 :  10:34:05 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Interesting. I have never played it, but the ideas are good and open up a book of possibilities in my head.
Thanks for the comments!

Whatever. Who knows...
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United Kingdom
29 Posts

Posted - May 14 2004 :  2:35:13 PM  Show Profile  Visit Dan's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I hope I'm not labouring the point, I've attached a few shots of the discworld game to give you a better flavour to it's style. Like I said - a good game, very odd puzzles... :)

You can read through the games story line here ->" border="0">" border="0">" border="0">" border="0">

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617 Posts

Posted - May 14 2004 :  4:09:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hum... the scenery in this game is pre-renderized right? I know it can be a lot more detailed this way but I pretent to create mine fully 3D so you can watch all the details closely, literally, like a view from the character's eyes when it applies.

Now that I think about it, comes to me the idea of having more detailed objects when the view is on close... But I guess this should be in the "desired" list as it's not strictly necessary, I mean, this should be worked later.

Whatever. Who knows...
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617 Posts

Posted - May 14 2004 :  7:14:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
OK, now I need to know what to do next. Let me explain how do I usually develop applications...
- I create a "test" or "prototype" program with unoptimized, dirty, and modified everytime code to develop the features for the program/game like char movement, camera movement, collision checking, etc.
- Then I create a project from scratch and re-create each feature individually whilst cleaning up the code in the proccess.

So currently I'm in the "test" phase for project Lupa. I already have developed...
- Simple Character movement and animation
- Camera movement (4 types as of now)
- Simple Box-Box collision checking because ray collisions gave me really strange results

What should I do now? Jump into the "real program" part? Develop a new feature? If so what do you think I should add?

Whatever. Who knows...
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United Kingdom
29 Posts

Posted - May 15 2004 :  02:23:44 AM  Show Profile  Visit Dan's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I think it would be wise to come up with a design document, an intended goal. You've already discussed the game type in this thread and the fact you are using a rather niffty engine for throwing your graphix around the screen.

You'll need to expand on this. For starters, the aviator is a detective, Will he have stats that effect the gameplay? Can his appearance or name be changed or choosen? How does the game dish out crimes/mysteries? How are theses stored by the game, more importantly how can they be edited? How do you move the character around (keys or mouse)? How is the gameworld created (Editor)? Will you require NPC AI? How about pathfinding for you and the other world inhabitants? What workflow will you use to create / load game assets? How can the player interact with the world?

You can expand on your first draft or evenchange it completly during the prelimary coding stage - It's just a good idea to get and think about the complete picture and how all the seperate system within the game will work and interact with each other - it should also give you some insight as to which area you should start coding first.

I'm sure you may have already spotted these game dev articles:

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617 Posts

Posted - May 15 2004 :  06:09:41 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks. I will take a look at these two.

Whatever. Who knows...
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