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 [DX7]Questions about making an rpg

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Compact Posted - Jan 02 2007 : 1:23:24 PM
1. How can I load a dds-file or a png-file from a resource?
2. My main sprites-image (png-format) has these dimensions now: 512 * 5424
With sprites in it of 32 * 48. Is that a good size to convert to dds?

3. First I had this problem with bitblt, but now I'm working with DX I have it with DX. :P

I want to get this effect:
But I don't know how to do that...

Can someone please give me an example-code for an rpg-engine that can do this?
And I want it accurate by the pixel. I saw other rpg's with collision-detection that were accurate by the tile, but I want it by the pixel...
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Krisc Posted - Jan 29 2007 : 12:33:29 AM
For the collision, it is only complicated by not necessarily knowing the offset the player's feet make. If you keep a Z-Order of objects in your scene you can do collision testing based on it. In this case, if Player.ZOrder > Wall.ZOrder, Check For Collision With Player.Bottom - Offset, Else Check For Collision With Player.Bottom. It sort of depends on how you are rendering your Sprites, generally I would imagine that you have Rectangle coordinates for the space they take up on the screen...

I cannot help you with the first two since I have moved on to XNA...

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