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 Rotten bug in very basic D3D8 code!

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STufaro Posted - Jul 25 2006 : 9:04:04 PM
Hey guys,

Yesterday I began the excellent tutorials on Direct3D8 at

I decided to go off the beaten path a little before getting into the next few lessons and decided to make a landscape program.

Actually, two programs. One is the dirty little mapping program that I whipped together in about five minutes. The other is the program that actually renders the map. That's the one with the problem.

It seems that about a dot from random textures is all that renders (almost as if it's teasing me). My "water" (which is a blue square) used to render but then stopped rendering altogether despite my code not changing! Something's up here.

I've included a ZIP archive with my files in it.

Closing notes:

- the "textures" aren't really textures, they're just BMP placeholders for when I get real textures
- the code to load the actual map file in is a mess; the map file format is a mess
- there are two folders in the ZIP I have attached. The one with the problem is Land3D_VB. The other is the heightmap editing utility.

Thanks in advance for looking into it, guys. Your help is much appreciated in advancing the knowledge contained in my puny brain :)

Thanks again,
- Steve.

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cbx Posted - Aug 08 2006 : 05:31:34 AM
Originally posted by STufaro
It seems that about a dot from random textures is all that renders (almost as if it's teasing me). My "water" (which is a blue square) used to render but then stopped rendering altogether despite my code not changing! Something's up here.

It feels like that happends to me all the time...
Almar Posted - Aug 05 2006 : 05:28:33 AM
I'm glad that you found it! :)
STufaro Posted - Aug 01 2006 : 11:17:38 AM

It turned out to be a logic error in the vertex init code like you said, Almar! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction (and sorry for the late reply)!
STufaro Posted - Jul 28 2006 : 5:16:05 PM
Much thanks for the reply! Will try it out now and get you the results ASAP.

I wasn't sure if you could have an array of types with arrays in it, or, for that matter, an array of arrays...
Almar Posted - Jul 28 2006 : 4:22:26 PM
1) Add


Somewhere t obe sure it's rendering solid

2) Your vertex data is messed up. I checked out the contents of:

Land(i, j)


D3DDevice.DrawPrimitiveUP D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, Land(i, j).verts(0), Len(Land(i, j).verts(0))

Using the watch window, and all 4 vertices have 0 0 0 as position, makes not much of a triangle :). Tex coords and everything seem to be OK.
STufaro Posted - Jul 26 2006 : 12:36:26 PM
I've had some minor breakthroughs but the problem itself isn't solved.

- The water stopped rendering because of culling. Uncomment the line that turns culling off.
- Put the camera at (25, 0, 25)
- In the loop in the Render sub, change "TRIANGLESTRIP" to "POINTLIST"
- Run the program and click start

You'll see what I'm attempting from a slightly better angle.
STufaro Posted - Jul 26 2006 : 07:49:44 AM
Thanks for your reply!

I developed the program on a 450MHz PIII with a 16MB Diamond Viper V550 (it uses an nVidia TNT chipset I think), 64MB RAM on Windows 98. I think that ought to be quite enough to run it (it only renders 514 trianlges windowed)! I brought the compiled .exe to my Dell (1.6GHz P4, 128MB Radeon 9600) and had the same results.

As for my camera, it should be set up okay. I have it placed (I think) at (25, 25, 25) which is far enough away to see the entire scene; that only extends out to (17, 2, 17). Playing with the cameras got me nowhere, unfortunately. (Originally I thought my camera was inside the mountain I made)

I think the problem with my code is in the DrawPrimitiveUP() part in the Render sub. The "2" in there - should that be something different, perhaps?

Thanks very much for your help and looking into it, Spodi. Hopefully someone else catches what I'm missing.
Spodi Posted - Jul 26 2006 : 03:47:16 AM
I cant figure it out either - though I do get just dots, too, so we can know that it isn't your computer but rather your code. ;) Are you sure the camera is set up right? Sorry I cant be of much more help - I never have delt with actual 3d, just 2d on a 3d engine. ;)

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