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 3d world help

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
deathsythe Posted - Nov 02 2005 : 1:12:00 PM
Guten Tag.

I am new to actually programming anything other than windows based applications, or really simple 2d arcade re-creations using just labels and timers, so this is a big step for me, but from the get go i have always wanted to program a 3d enviorment in which i could explore in first or third person, walk around, use mouse to alter camera position, and just explore the terrain, maybe add some buildings, you get the idea.

I just downloaded Revolution3d, and i have been programming in vb6 for a little more then a year now, but again, nothing this major.

Where should i start, i havnt found many good tutorials or source codes for this type of project... so um... yeah, Could some one point me in the right direction, or provide some code samples, source codes, snippits, links, etc...


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deathsythe Posted - Nov 02 2005 : 6:16:43 PM
Well, i have physics and calc under my belt, so i dont think mathematics is going to be a problem. I was always a math and science guy. i was writing variable functions while my friends were still learning the echo and print commands.

I have revolution3d, does that provide me with enough guidence to start making something?
Eric Coleman Posted - Nov 02 2005 : 2:43:00 PM
There is no single direction for learning this type of stuff. However, having a strong background in mathematics is going to help you. The more advanced the math is the better you will be prepared for learning about programming in 3D.

Some 3D wrappers and engines can make programming a 3D considerably eaiser. Of course the trade off is that it will be slower than if the game were built from scratch. Of course, today's hardware advancements are really fast and powerfull. But you need to know who your target audience is going to be. If you want to sell your game then you need to work towards a common denominator for your target hardware. The majority of computer users use integrated video cards, mostly Intel. Only 10% or so of computer users actually have a powerfull video card by ATI or nVidia.

However, you're probably just doing this as a hobby as most of us are, so it doesn't really matter. The important thing is that you have fun.

So, you need to ask yourself, do you want to learn about basic 3D graphics applications from a low level or do you want to use a preexisting 3D foundation such as a wrapper or engine to go directly into creating content for a 3D world?

The answer to this really determines where you should be looking for information. If you want to start with the very basics, be warned that you'll probably never finish anything. You start a massive project and as you learn more you decide to start from stratch again and again, always learning and enjoying what you're doing. If you go the other route, then the communities built around the engines/wrapper is probably your best source of information for getting started.

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