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 Tutorials (DirectX, Games, General Vb, etc)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CadeF Posted - Mar 29 2005 : 02:09:07 AM
Does anyone have any ideas for tutorials that would be popular? Ill do the tutorial requests and put them on my site.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lachlan87 Posted - Mar 30 2005 : 6:18:56 PM
The Managed DirectX tutorials you want can be found on this site.
cbx Posted - Mar 30 2005 : 11:33:05 AM
Originally posted by VbGamerBrox

As a total newb to Managed DirectX, it would be nice to have some basic tutorials on how to create a device, set up lighting, creating a mesh (both from .x and using the vertex buffer) and how to render..

I Have gotten quite far in a really short time, but there are still lots of things i have problems with, for example the vertexbuffer in MDX...

Private Sub SetupGeo()  
        Dim VB As VertexBuffer  
        Dim mobjVerts(3) As Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured  
        mobjVerts(0) = New Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)  
        mobjVerts(1) = New Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured(1, 0, 0, 1, 0)  
        mobjVerts(2) = New Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured(1, 1, 0, 1, 1)  
        mobjVerts(3) = New Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured(0, 1, 0, 0, 1)  
        VB = New Direct3D.VertexBuffer(mobjVerts(0).GetType, 4, D3DDevice, 0, mobjVerts(0).Format, Direct3D.Pool.Managed)  
        VB.SetData(mobjVerts, 0, Direct3D.LockFlags.None)  
        Erase mobjVerts  
    End Sub
CadeF Posted - Mar 30 2005 : 05:00:08 AM
I have written a stencil buffer tutorial, using jack hoxley's code but it has been edited by me to make it easier. Ill upload it tomorow or day after. Also, when its done, ill upload my directx wrapper's source for 2d/3d (.bas file). Creating a mesh, I think im the first engine in vb(and the first ive ever seen) which can load Unreal Engine compatible meshes(.t3d), but currently without textures(I know how to do so but just havent yet). I know how to load .x meshes and .t3d meshes(more or less, load). Any specific tutorial requests?
VbGamerBrox Posted - Mar 30 2005 : 04:03:22 AM
As a total newb to Managed DirectX, it would be nice to have some basic tutorials on how to create a device, set up lighting, creating a mesh (both from .x and using the vertex buffer) and how to render..

I Have gotten quite far in a really short time, but there are still lots of things i have problems with, for example the vertexbuffer in MDX...
cbx Posted - Mar 30 2005 : 01:21:37 AM
Originally posted by CadeF

Does anyone have any ideas for tutorials that would be popular? Ill do the tutorial requests and put them on my site.

I have a list of video tutorials on my website that I have been planning on doing, but probably will not get around to doing for some time.

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