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cbx |
Posted - Jan 16 2005 : 7:52:25 PM It's official I'm cursed. OK so at around 4am today I downloaded the DaBooda Turbo engine and the sample apps, and thought it was pretty cool, and made me all nostalgic inside for classic arcade gamming. I spent time looking at the engine source code and thought a few areas in the rendering pipline could use improvement. It was late so I went to sleep. After I woke up I started writing a similar 2D renderer of my own called DaFlak (not an engine just a renderer). And as I began to create the 2nd example app for it I came across this strange problem (view the image below)...
Download Attachment: strange dx.gif<br>25.28 KB
As you can see there is a double blended image in the example app but I am not even manipulating the texture coordanants of the geometry! The texture you see consists of 2 polygons that simulate a 2D sprite.
Example_SingleSprite sample app (executable only). To use the app use the 3 mouse buttons to manipulate the sprite... Download Attachment:<br>100.5 KB
DaFlak source code (preliminary proof of concept). The only part you need to focus on is the Renderer.vb in the DaFlakRenderer project. That is where all the relavant rendering code is located ... Download Attachment:<br>101.34 KB
Does anyone have a clue as to what could be causing this? It only seems to mutate the texture if you scale the sprite geometry to a small size and rotate it. I am using current video card drivers for my ATI X800 Pro as well as the current DirectX libraries (Dec 2004)
Another problem I seem to be having is that I can't get Lighting to work properly. It does not seem to matter if the D3DDevice.RenderState.Lighting property is true or false the sprite geometry is always visible!
As the title of the subject suggests "Super wacky fun fun DirectX! Big Smiles!" Loosly translated means "All the 'Issues' I have been having with DirectX latley are starting to make me go insane!" ![](icon_smile_tongue.gif) |
Eric Coleman |
Posted - Jan 19 2005 : 11:00:18 AM Yes, that screenshot was from an ATI DirectX demo showing how to project an AVI file as a texture. I originally took that screenshot as proof that it's not just my code or VB that causes the problem. |
Almar |
Posted - Jan 19 2005 : 10:08:54 AM Do I see VC6 Eric? :) |
Eric Coleman |
Posted - Jan 17 2005 : 11:09:53 AM Ok, it's official, you're now crazy ![](icon_smile_big.gif)
As for my video card, I'm using ATI drivers for a DiamondMM branded Radeon 7000. It's possible that it's a driver issue. I've had my share of driver issues, and it's a pain in the ass. I've had problems with an ATI card saying that it supported certain alpha blending modes when it really didn't, an nVidia card not reading surface data correctly (it would return the color black instead of the requested pixel color), and a 3DFX driver issue that would seriously deform the rendered geometry when applying a standard (built in) DirectX matrix transformation to the texture corrdinates. |
cbx |
Posted - Jan 17 2005 : 12:24:37 AM Hahahah ... Hahaha,... Mua hahahah, lol lol That's juts too dam funny, hahaha...
It would appear as though I have solved the problem! And it is as simple as changing the references from the Dec 2004 managed DX libraries and referencing the Originally released Summer update 2003 managed dx libs. IE version 1.0.900.0
... ... Hahahah,... Hahahaha lol I'm sorry but just I can't stop laughing,... From where I stand the only release of managed directx that has consistantly worked for me has been the 1.0.900.0 managed dx libraries. Can you believe it! The first release of managed dx is the most stable/reliable. Since then (atleast for me) the managed dx libs have been sliding down the slippery slope of shame towards utter piss me off lameness,... Whaaaaa hahahahaha ...
With all me troubles with managed dx I'm thinking about writing a detailed document that compiles a list of things that has gone bad for me, regarding managed dx, and submiting it to microsoft, but I think i'll wait until feburary (the next sceduled release for dx) and see what happens.
I'm betting anyone that they screw it up even further! Now if you don't mind I have more laughing to do, Mua hahaha ..... |
cbx |
Posted - Jan 16 2005 : 11:09:07 PM BTW the commented out code you see in the RenderSprite method...
... Was the original code I was using to draw the sprite. But then as usual I discovered a wierd problem with that also. Seems that if you draw a sprite at location x:256 by y:0 with a 45 deg rotation the sprite does not show up anywhere near x:256 by y:0 on the screen like you would expect it to. The fallowing attachment demonstrates the use and effects of the fallowing code ...
If mblnSpriteBeninCalled = False Then mobjSprite.Begin(mintSpriteRenderFlags) Me.mobjSprite.Draw2D(mobjTexCB(Sprite.TextureIndex), Sprite.Rectangle, DR, _ New Point(CInt(Sprite.CenterX), CInt(Sprite.CenterY)), Sprite.Rotation, _ New Point(CInt(Sprite.PositionX), CInt(Sprite.PositionY)), Sprite.Color) If mblnSpriteBeninCalled = False Then mobjSprite.End()
Download Attachment: Example_SingleSprite 100.6 KB |
cbx |
Posted - Jan 16 2005 : 10:53:28 PM quote: Originally posted by Eric Coleman <br>I looked through your code and I honestly don't understand the managed stuff. I read through the code multiple times trying to find out where DirectX is actually initlized or where the program starts it's execution, but I couldn't find it. I'm not sure how this managed stuff is supposed to make things easier for programmers. I guess I'm officially old fashioned for preferring the DirectX where you had to explicitly create your objects instead of relying some some magic to create them for you. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I tried, but I'm not much help anymore.
Viola! 240 lines of rendering code in the code Renderer.vb file as it currently exists on my computer. The only methods that are important are these 2 ...
The class constructor
Public Sub New(ByVal Ctrl As Control, ByVal Callback As TextureCallback)
And the RenderSprite method that does the actual rendering.
Public Overrides Sub RenderSprite(ByVal Sprite As DaFlak.Sprite)
As for Managed DX and being hard to understand and quote "magical" I find managed DX is actually very similar to DirectX8 in many ways. At this point I find myself pointing the finger towards a video card driver issue, but if that were the case then eric should not be seeing the same thing I am, and yet he is! Aside from the alpha blending.
BTW Eric what graphics card were you using to run the app?
Imports Microsoft.DirectX Imports Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.DeviceType Imports Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.CreateFlags Imports Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Geometry Imports Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.ClearFlags Public Class Renderer Inherits DaFlak.Renderer Implements IDisposable Private Enum RenderingState As Integer None = 0 SceneRender = 1 LayerRender = 2 SpriteRender = 3 End Enum Public Delegate Function TextureCallback(ByVal Index As Integer) As Direct3D.Texture Protected Friend mobjTexCB As TextureCallback Protected Friend mintSpriteRenderFlags As Direct3D.SpriteFlags Protected Friend WithEvents mobjGFX As Direct3D.Device Protected Friend mobjPresent As New Direct3D.PresentParameters() Protected Friend mobjSprite As Direct3D.Sprite Private mobjVB As Direct3D.VertexBuffer Private mblnSpriteBeninCalled As Boolean = False Private mintRenderState As RenderingState = RenderingState.None Private mobjTarget As Control Protected Friend mobjBackgroundColor As Color = Color.Black Public Property BackgroundColor() As Color Get Return mobjBackgroundColor End Get Set(ByVal Value As Color) mobjBackgroundColor = Value End Set End Property Public Function GetDevice() As Direct3D.Device Return mobjGFX End Function Public Overrides Sub RenderLayer(ByVal Layer As DaFlak.Layer) If Layer.Visible = False Then Exit Sub Dim idx As Integer For idx = 0 To Layer.Sprites.Count - 1 Me.RenderSprite(Layer.Sprites(idx)) Next End Sub Public Overrides Sub RenderScene(ByVal Scene As DaFlak.DaFlak) Me.mintRenderState = RenderingState.SceneRender With Me.mobjGFX .Clear(Target Or ZBuffer, mobjBackgroundColor, 1, 0) .BeginScene() mobjSprite.Begin(mintSpriteRenderFlags) mblnSpriteBeninCalled = True Dim idx As Integer For idx = 0 To Scene.Layers.Count - 1 If Scene.Layers(idx).Visible Then Me.RenderLayer(Scene.Layers(idx)) End If Next mobjSprite.End() mblnSpriteBeninCalled = False .EndScene() .Present() End With Me.mintRenderState = RenderingState.None End Sub Public Overrides Sub RenderSprite(ByVal Sprite As DaFlak.Sprite) If Sprite.Visible = False Then Exit Sub If Me.mintRenderState <> RenderingState.None Then Dim DR As SizeF DR.Width = Sprite.Rectangle.Width * Sprite.ScaleX DR.Height = Sprite.Rectangle.Height * Sprite.ScaleY Dim Tex As Direct3D.Texture = mobjTexCB(Sprite.TextureIndex) mobjGFX.Transform.Projection = Matrix.OrthoOffCenterLH(0, mobjTarget.Width, mobjTarget.Height, 0, 0, 1000) Dim M As Matrix = Matrix.Identity M.Multiply(Matrix.Scaling(DR.Width, DR.Height, 0)) M.Multiply(Matrix.Translation(-(Sprite.CenterX * Sprite.ScaleX), -(Sprite.CenterY * Sprite.ScaleY), 0)) M.Multiply(Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(0, 0, Sprite.Rotation)) M.Multiply(Matrix.Translation(Sprite.PositionX, Sprite.PositionY, 0)) mobjGFX.Transform.World = M M = Matrix.Identity M.Multiply(Matrix.Scaling(DR.Width, DR.Height, 0)) Dim Desc As Direct3D.SurfaceDescription = Tex.GetSurfaceLevel(0).Description M.Multiply(Matrix.Translation(CSng(Sprite.Rectangle.Left / Desc.Width), _ CSng(Sprite.Rectangle.Top / Desc.Height), 0)) mobjGFX.SetTransform(Direct3D.TransformType.Texture0, M) Dim Mat As Direct3D.Material Mat.Ambient = Sprite.Color Mat.Diffuse = Sprite.Color mobjGFX.Material = Mat mobjGFX.SetTexture(0, Tex) mobjGFX.SetStreamSource(0, mobjVB, 0) mobjGFX.VertexFormat = mobjVB.Description.VertexFormat mobjGFX.DrawPrimitives(Direct3D.PrimitiveType.TriangleFan, 0, 2) End If End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal Ctrl As Control, ByVal Callback As TextureCallback) Me.mobjTexCB = Callback Me.mintSpriteRenderFlags = Direct3D.SpriteFlags.AlphaBlend With mobjPresent .MultiSample = Direct3D.MultiSampleType.None .MultiSampleQuality = 0 .Windowed = True .EnableAutoDepthStencil = True .AutoDepthStencilFormat = Direct3D.DepthFormat.D16 .BackBufferWidth = Ctrl.ClientSize.Width .BackBufferHeight = Ctrl.ClientSize.Height .BackBufferCount = 1 .SwapEffect = Direct3D.SwapEffect.Copy .PresentationInterval = Direct3D.PresentInterval.Immediate .DeviceWindow = Ctrl End With Try Me.mobjGFX = New Direct3D.Device(0, Hardware, Ctrl, HardwareVertexProcessing Or FpuPreserve, Me.mobjPresent) Catch ex As Exception End Try With Me.mobjGFX .RenderState.FillMode = Direct3D.FillMode.Solid .RenderState.ZBufferEnable = True .RenderState.CullMode = Direct3D.Cull.None .RenderState.Lighting = False .RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = True .RenderState.SourceBlend = Direct3D.Blend.SourceAlpha .RenderState.DestinationBlend = Direct3D.Blend.InvSourceAlpha .SamplerState(0).MinFilter = Direct3D.TextureFilter.None .SamplerState(0).MagFilter = Direct3D.TextureFilter.None .SamplerState(0).MipFilter = Direct3D.TextureFilter.None .RenderState.Ambient = Color.Black .TextureState(0).TextureTransform = Direct3D.TextureTransform.Count2 End With Dim mobjVerts(3) As Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured mobjVerts(0) = New Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured(0, 0, 0, 0, 0) mobjVerts(1) = New Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured(1, 0, 0, 1, 0) mobjVerts(2) = New Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured(1, 1, 0, 1, 1) mobjVerts(3) = New Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured(0, 1, 0, 0, 1) mobjVB = New Direct3D.VertexBuffer(mobjVerts(0).GetType, 4, mobjGFX, 0, mobjVerts(0).Format, Direct3D.Pool.Managed) mobjVB.SetData(mobjVerts, 0, Direct3D.LockFlags.None) Erase mobjVerts Me.mobjSprite = New Direct3D.Sprite(Me.mobjGFX) Me.mobjTarget = Ctrl End Sub Public Property SpriteRenderFlags() As Direct3D.SpriteFlags Get Return mintSpriteRenderFlags End Get Set(ByVal Value As Direct3D.SpriteFlags) mintSpriteRenderFlags = Value End Set End Property #Region " IDisposable Support " Private disposed As Boolean = False Private Overloads Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) If Not Me.disposed Then If disposing Then mobjSprite.Dispose() mobjSprite = Nothing mobjVB.Dispose() mobjVB = Nothing mobjPresent = Nothing mobjGFX.Dispose() mobjGFX = Nothing mobjTarget = Nothing mobjTexCB = Nothing End If End If Me.disposed = True End Sub Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose Dispose(True) GC.SuppressFinalize(Me) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() Dispose(False) MyBase.Finalize() End Sub #End Region Private Sub mobjGFX_DeviceResizing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles mobjGFX.DeviceResizing If Me.mobjTarget.ClientSize.Width < 1 Then e.Cancel = True If Me.mobjTarget.ClientSize.Height < 1 Then e.Cancel = True End Sub End Class
Eric Coleman |
Posted - Jan 16 2005 : 10:43:57 PM I looked through your code and I honestly don't understand the managed stuff. I read through the code multiple times trying to find out where DirectX is actually initlized or where the program starts it's execution, but I couldn't find it. I'm not sure how this managed stuff is supposed to make things easier for programmers. I guess I'm officially old fashioned for preferring the DirectX where you had to explicitly create your objects instead of relying some some magic to create them for you. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I tried, but I'm not much help anymore. |
cbx |
Posted - Jan 16 2005 : 10:00:04 PM quote: Originally posted by Eric Coleman <br>When I run the demo the texture's coordinates get shifted when I resize the square. I don't see any alpha blending like your screenshot though.
Yep that's what I said. And the only place where I define my vertexes is in the contructor for the Renderer.vb file ...
Dim mobjVerts(3) As Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured mobjVerts(0) = New Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured(0, 0, 0, 0, 0) mobjVerts(1) = New Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured(1, 0, 0, 1, 0) mobjVerts(2) = New Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured(1, 1, 0, 1, 1) mobjVerts(3) = New Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionTextured(0, 1, 0, 0, 1) mobjVB = New Direct3D.VertexBuffer(mobjVerts(0).GetType, 4, mobjGFX, 0, mobjVerts(0).Format, Direct3D.Pool.Managed) mobjVB.SetData(mobjVerts, 0, Direct3D.LockFlags.None) Erase mobjVerts
... The code above is the only code that I use to manupulate the vertexes. Everything else is done through matricies, and even then I don't event specify to transform the texture0 matrix ala D3DDevice.SetTransform(Direct3D.TransformType.Texture0, SomeMatrix)
I just can't think of a reason why this could be happening... I've stared dumfounded at the code but can't seem to provide an answer as to why it would be doing this.
The only varibles I'm modifying is the world transform matrix for the D3DDevice...
Dim M As Matrix = Matrix.Identity M.Multiply(Matrix.Scaling(DR.Width, DR.Height, 0)) M.Multiply(Matrix.Translation(-(Sprite.CenterX * Sprite.ScaleX), -(Sprite.CenterY * Sprite.ScaleY), 0)) M.Multiply(Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(0, 0, Sprite.Rotation)) M.Multiply(Matrix.Translation(Sprite.PositionX, Sprite.PositionY, 0)) mobjGFX.Transform.World = M
Eric Coleman |
Posted - Jan 16 2005 : 9:49:40 PM When I run the demo the texture's coordinates get shifted when I resize the square. I don't see any alpha blending like your screenshot though. |
VBGamer |
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