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 3 GMail invites. What to do,... What to do...

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cbx Posted - Dec 15 2004 : 1:57:26 PM
OK, So I have 3 remaining gmail invites that I have been holding onto and I'm sure if I do not do anything about it now I never will. So I am asking all you out there for advice, and ideas as to what I should do with the invites.

I have thought about holding a contest but, then again that would not make a very good contest. It may have been a good idea when gmail was first announced but now...

I suspect that if I do not do somthing soon gmail will come out of its beta and start offering free accounts. Right now as I under stand it you can only get a gmail account by invite only!

Feel free to hit me with your most wacky (or sane) ideas!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cbx Posted - Dec 26 2004 : 10:48:53 PM
Originally posted by DevlinSE

Originally posted by cbx
LOL ... Good god man what rock have you been hiding under, with your fingers in your ears, and your eyes closed, and your head under the sand!

Heh . I didn't have net connection for a looooooooong time so...
Can someone send me a gmail invite...pls?

DevlinSE Posted - Dec 26 2004 : 10:45:53 PM
Originally posted by cbx
LOL ... Good god man what rock have you been hiding under, with your fingers in your ears, and your eyes closed, and your head under the sand!

Heh . I didn't have net connection for a looooooooong time so...
Can someone send me a gmail invite...pls?
Krisc Posted - Dec 19 2004 : 01:51:08 AM
I have 6 left... Do something for me and we will talk! :P No...but honestly anybody want one?
AutoAim Posted - Dec 18 2004 : 10:48:06 PM
Originally posted by cbx
I my self had a total of 6 invites bestowed to me and have given 3 away already, leaving me with 3 remaining.

think your math is off...
i think..., i failed math ;-)
cbx Posted - Dec 18 2004 : 4:46:43 PM
Originally posted by DevlinSE

Uhm...what is a gmail invite? what is gmail?

LOL ... Good god man what rock have you been hiding under, with your fingers in your ears, and your eyes closed, and your head under the sand!

GMail in brief ...

Google (Please tell me your know what google is!) For about a year now has started there own web based email service! What's so different/special about that? There are providing 1000 megabytes! of email storage! Thats 1 gigabyte! GMail is still in beta so in order to start using GMail you need to be offered an invite to get a free GMail account.

Some existing GMail users are given the oportunity to offer invites to more people. I my self had a total of 6 invites bestowed to me and have given 3 away already, leaving me with 3 remaining.
VBBR Posted - Dec 18 2004 : 2:53:03 PM
DevlinSE Posted - Dec 18 2004 : 10:05:50 AM
Uhm...what is a gmail invite? what is gmail?
AutoAim Posted - Dec 17 2004 : 12:09:32 AM
Originally posted by cbx
Originally posted by AutoAim
<br>heck, ill give my two invites away :-p
anyone want a gmail account? don't think i would ever program a game (even simple) for a email account. maybe for 5 bucks though ;-)

Hmmm OK, how bout making a game for all this (Plus a VB.NET upgrade guide CD not shown)... 2003, Windows 2000 professional, windows 2000 server and windows 2000 advanced server, visual cd, A 100 page tutorial book adapted from the full book titled "Microsoft Visual Basic.NET step by step", I also got 3cds containing the MSDN library. Whos your daddy! Whos your daddy!

Who here would write a simple game for all this!

When do we start!!

Jordan, i sent you one, have fun with that one GB space ;)
Jordan L. Weber Posted - Dec 16 2004 : 11:58:24 PM
I would love an invite if someone is willing... Would be greatly appreciated.
Almar Posted - Dec 16 2004 : 02:43:14 AM
eh, Anyone who does have gmail and no invites is doing something wrong :). I can't get rid of 'em anymore. After supplying my entire class I gave up ;)
cbx Posted - Dec 16 2004 : 12:55:49 AM
Originally posted by AutoAim
<br>heck, ill give my two invites away :-p
anyone want a gmail account? don't think i would ever program a game (even simple) for a email account. maybe for 5 bucks though ;-)

Hmmm OK, how bout making a game for all this (Plus a VB.NET upgrade guide CD not shown)... 2003, Windows 2000 professional, windows 2000 server and windows 2000 advanced server, visual cd, A 100 page tutorial book adapted from the full book titled "Microsoft Visual Basic.NET step by step", I also got 3cds containing the MSDN library. Whos your daddy! Whos your daddy!

Who here would write a simple game for all this!

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AutoAim Posted - Dec 15 2004 : 11:33:19 PM
heck, ill give my two invites away :-p
anyone want a gmail account? don't think i would ever program a game (even simple) for a email account. maybe for 5 bucks though ;-)
Threshold Posted - Dec 15 2004 : 3:20:23 PM
Unfortunately, the gmail rage has died down. I personally have an account and multiple accounts for my website. Gmail is good though.
cbx Posted - Dec 15 2004 : 2:36:18 PM
Originally posted by Eric Coleman
<br>A contest of some sort sounds like an interesting idea. Maybe a contest related to programming something in VB.NET and DirectX9.

I had thought of that, but it seems like it would be a lot of work to do just for a gmail invite. But if I do I think I would specify the fallowing details...

  • 1: Must be 1 screener game like classic games digdug, joust, burger time

  • 2: Can use vb, with or without directx powered graphics. .NET framework makes drawing graphics quite easy.

  • 3: Do not spend alot of time making this game! (it's just an invite... unless you really really want a gmail account) If it is going to take you more then 20 hours of work programming it, the game is to complex, and I'd say you are going overboard with it.

... these kinds of things.
Scorpion_Blood Posted - Dec 15 2004 : 2:25:52 PM
well yes... the contest isnt't bad... but ur thought is right... it was good when it was announced... i have an gmail account, already gived 2 and i still got 1 invite... but i will keep it for someday, i will need to give it for a very close friend or something :) anyway the other 2 i gived to mine fellows at work :D

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