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Almar Posted - May 16 2004 : 3:12:49 PM
Hmm, I still have one problem left. ( 2.8mb)

That's the latest version of YALG. It still might have weird map stuff for testing. Anyway, if you rotate mirrors - some of them -, weird white surroundings are visible. I have no idea why this happens. The Tu/Tv coords are simply correct, and then I simply rotate the vertices... it should just work. But somehow this white happens, as if the texture is not the correct height.. but it only happens at a few angles .

I hope someone might have experienced this before and has a suitable solution for it. Note that these are TL Vertices, rendered as Trianglelists(6 for a square, rotated using sin/cos)

Thanks :)
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sr. Guapo Posted - May 22 2004 : 11:19:54 PM
All I know is sorta what they do, I wouldn't know where to start designing one...
VBBR Posted - May 21 2004 : 10:19:29 AM
I just know very basically what the concept of a shader is.
cjb0087 Posted - May 21 2004 : 03:50:45 AM
nearly nothing? so you could write a tutorial for beginners
Almar Posted - May 20 2004 : 4:05:01 PM
Well, two flies in one hit :) ;)
VBBR Posted - May 20 2004 : 11:00:01 AM
Unfortunetely I know nearly nothing about shaders...
Almar Posted - May 20 2004 : 09:18:07 AM
I still haven't seen much about VB and shaders.. (except for the q3 engine thing someone made)
VBBR Posted - May 18 2004 : 4:06:10 PM
Yeah, this seems very logical, thanks.
Peter Posted - May 18 2004 : 3:54:03 PM
Just tell me a subject that I can write a tutorial for.

Well, no one can tell you what to write about since only you know what knowledge you have and what interests you. No one ever told any of us what to write about ;) Just write what you feel like.
Peter Posted - May 18 2004 : 3:52:49 PM
Its the dynamics of fluids ;)

Basically how objects behave in fluids, like water, air etc. For example if you're designing an airplane the flow of air over its wings would be considered fluid dynamics.

Sounds like interesting stuff but its very computationally expensive, I think that there are some equations that cant even be solved fully yet. I don't know too much about fluid dynamics though, I think some engineers take it 3rd and 4th year but I doubt I willl since its not the type of physics i'm going into.
VBBR Posted - May 18 2004 : 3:04:20 PM
Hum I said a subject I CAN write about... not a subject about something I even don't really know exactly what it is...
EACam Posted - May 18 2004 : 2:05:06 PM
Fluid Dynamics please...
VBBR Posted - May 18 2004 : 10:50:56 AM
Cool, I'm in the "younger generation". Just tell me a subject that I can write a tutorial for.
Almar Posted - May 18 2004 : 12:41:00 AM
Originally posted by Eric Coleman

LOL, yeah, his tutorials do tend to follow the SDK tutorials very closely. VoodooVB was also a source. He would turn discussions that people had on that forum into a tutorial for his website, or at least it seemed that way, lol.

Its a shame he isn't updating his website anymore. The last thing he wrote was for C++.

Most of the older (and then I mean being here, not you Bryk ) people over here get.. older.. and need to work and stuff liek that, making less time available to write tutorials. Unfortunatly, it seems that the younger generation does not do that either, afaik (nofi :P)
Eric Coleman Posted - May 17 2004 : 11:21:52 PM
LOL, yeah, his tutorials do tend to follow the SDK tutorials very closely. VoodooVB was also a source. He would turn discussions that people had on that forum into a tutorial for his website, or at least it seemed that way, lol.

Its a shame he isn't updating his website anymore. The last thing he wrote was for C++.
EACam Posted - May 17 2004 : 7:43:12 PM
Same here...but I've discovered how much code Jack Hoxley ACTUALLY copied!

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