



24 links in Tools/Libraries/Engines

Aeon3D Engine An engine by Torsten Damberg Vote
Baronsoft Home of the Online RPG Engine. Vote
Biohazard Engine The Biohazard Engine is a full-featured set of modules that make manipulating DirectX 7 to make kick-ass games easy. Vote
BlitzBasic A different flavor of BASIC. Vote
Brick Crypt and Pack Library The "Brick Crypt and Pack" library is based upon an ActiveX DLL intended to be used by Visual Basic developers as an all-in-one encryption and file-packing system. Vote
bzip2 A compression library free of patents, with free source. Similar to Zlib, but this is a different compression algorithm. Vote
CryptoAPI Functions Eduardo A. Morcillo (Edanmo) uses the Window's CryptoAPI functions to build easy-to-use RC4 Encrypt/Decrypt functions. Vote
Dabooda Turbo Engine A recently created DirectX 8 wrapper for 2D games. It's open source, with demos and tutorials. Vote
DarkBasic A different flavor of BASIC. Vote
DX9Tools [1] [2] DX9Tools is a helper library for use with DirectX 9. Its a community project with quite a few members. Vote
DXGame Engine A high level tool for VB6 programmers of all levels which allows them to write 2D games using VB6. Vote
DXRE Engine The Open-Source DirectX8 engine built mainly for 2d RPGs, but can be used for nearly any type of 2d top-down game, or even sidescrollers with enough modifying. Vote
Janus Software Phoenix Object Basic Phoenix Object Basic enables Visual Basic developers to deploy your skills on Linux systems. Vote
John Chamberlain's VB Code Samples [1] This is the author of the "Compile Controller" add-in for VB6 that allows you to intercept and modify the compile process in VB. Allows you to inerject Assembler, C, C++, or any other binary data, even create regular DLL files. Vote
Michael Braitmaier - DSLibrary Home of the DSLibrary to give avi playback to DirectX 7 programmers. Vote
NemoX engine [1] NemoX Engine is a DirectX 8.1 based 3D Engine with very interesting features like Quake 2 and Quake 3 characters supported, 3DS, X, ASE, OBJ, milkshape 3d Meshes supported..... There are numerous tutorials and code source at the Engine Web Site Vote
Pab Game Engine A compact game engine written with VB6, DirectX8, and FMOD. Vote
ProjectX downloads You can download the source to the MMORPG ProjectX Online Vote
Revolution 3D A graphics engine. Vote
TrueVision The original website, old, but contains some tutorials and source for the old version. Vote
VbInLineASM at PlanetSourceCode 1 Part 1 of a VB add-in project based on John Chamberlain's original article and source. Vote
VbInLineASM at PlanetSourceCode 2 Part 2 of a VB add-in project based on John Chamberlain's original article and source. Vote
XBasic XBasic is a an open source, cross platform, BASIC compiler. It compiles on Windows 32 bit systems, Linux, and Unix. Vote
Zlib A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library (Also Free, Not to Mention Unencumbered by Patents) Vote

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