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GameSpeed NetArc (2 replies, 0 views) (2000-May-31) Ive noticed that DirectDraw really cant draw over 500 ( or relitively close ) without a major drop in FPS. Plus then you add object math functions, etc... to make a great game, but then u realize your FPS is like 5. Is there any special techniques that can be used to increase FPS. I alos noticed that allot of FPS dropage occurs from math ( dealing with objects moving, so it looks up COS and SIN on a table, and other formulas )
Anyways, along the techniques line. Are there special things to do before or duing the process of rendering to the screen that you can change to increase Frame Rate? Ive added memory functions to DD Caps and Surface Structures, but that only seems to help a little bit. I added a Z-Buffer and that doesnt seem to do anything.
I hope this doesnt seem like jibberish, because im pretty sure we all fear a low framerate.