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RE: f00d 4 thought amorano (2 replies, 0 views) (2000-May-7)
Jason wrote:
Sadly, I've heard many other VB to C programmers say just the opposite, that C is more efficient and structured as a language and not really much harder eithe :P
You are correct. The difference in the learning curve for VB and C to me is next to nil. The only thing you have to absolutely study in C is how to use pointers correctly. After that, you can devestate, since VB doesn't support pointers.
Moving along from the basics of C (just the know how) into C++ is a hop skip and jump. But do yourself a favor and don't program in C for a few years and then try to switch, you will pick up bad habits.
The thing that most newbies shy from C at first is because of windows (this is on microsoft, as I didn't learn C there, but on a Sparc workstation ;) simply because VB has all those cool drap and drop, fill in the blank lines. IMO, I would never use it anyways, as most of my games are FS apps with a homebrew GUI. So what does it matter. Besides, for an extra little bit of pain, I can now program for windows, BEos, Linux or any *nix* variant, and Mac. So. :) Choice was obvious to me.