


No, actually... MetalWarrior (1 reply, 0 views) (2001-Jan-5)
See, with D3D you get automatic texture managment. Meaning, D3D handles moving your textures from system to video memory, and back again, so you can load more textures and D3D will move them in and out when they haven't been used in a while. Now, you want to group as much into one texture as possible, but in the case of animation (where you'll only be showing one frame per gametick anyway, and you'll have to switch to another texture to display another object, like another sprite or the world, anyhow) having a separate texture for each frame won't adversely affect you (in most cases). Depending on your situation, it might even speed you up.

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Mmm not sure Mythos (0 replies) (2001-Jan-7)

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