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vb gaming community Toby (3 replies, 0 views) (2000-Nov-20) Hey! everyone.
You may or may not know that a couple of weeks ago I uploaded a nw vb gaming news site named Shado LTD (Light To Dark). I don't claim to be an expert website designer/creator, in fact I'm far from it and have hardly any website creation knowledge at all. I started up the site basically so that I could contribute in some way to the vb gaming community. I have about 5yrs programming experience in a few different languages and about 90% of the programs I create are games. The threads below are very interesting especially the ones about site merging. I think that it's a great idea but would be VERY difficult to implement so that everyone is 100% happy. The news section of my site has to be written offline and the whole html file has to uploaded again. Basically this is because I have no idea how to write in PHP, ASP, CGI etc. I would be very grateful of any feedback that you could send me concerning my website as I am more than open to suggestions.
shado ltd: http://www.shadoltd.com or http://www.btinternet.com/~toby.land